Greetings Star Wars fans! Loud rumbles made their way throughout Star Wars fandom this weekend, as the Rogue One trailer was an exclusive for only Celebration Europe attendees. Fans that couldn’t make the convention will have to wait for an official release of the trailer. We’re here today to bring you the shots from the trailer that you may not have seen already. Spoilers for the trailer below (not really spoilers for the movie as it’s all part of the trailer)
Young Jyn Erso
First off, we have a shot of what is almost certainly Jyn Erso as a young girl:

This shot immediately cuts to basically this shot of Jyn, but from the front:

This raises the very likely possibility that the film will begin with Jyn as a young girl. That, or we will have a flashback. I think the introduction with young Jyn seems more likely because this seems less of a departure from the Star Wars formula. The implication for this is that Lyra Erso, allegedly played by Valene Kane could be playing Jyn’s mother in this intro/flashback scene. There is still a possibility that Lyra will be Jyn’s sister, but the certainty of young Jyn now makes a mother character as part of the young Jyn scene makes a heck of a lot of sense. Another point: if its a flashback it could be from the perspective of her father, Galen Erso played by Mads Mikkelsen and help explain why he decides to turnover the data-tapes to his daughter.
The fact that the young Jyn scene takes place on a grassy hillside makes us also wonder if she could be the one that left behind that toy soldier stormtrooper…
Jungles on Planet Scarif
There’s actually a couple of cool shots of Rebel soldiers sneaking through beautiful jungles. At Celebration, Gareth Edwards stated what was known for a long time that they filmed in the Maldives, so that gives you an idea of what kind of shots we can expect:

Shot from Subway

OK, so this isn’t really a new shot, but it’s still cool. We have a shot of Storm Troopers running through what many fans will know is London’s Jubilee line underground train station. Here is a gif of this same shot from the previous trailer:

New shots of “Sea Turtle” ship
This is the cool new Imperial troop transporter ship that we’ve seen in other shots from previous Rogue One footage. It appears to be landing.

Fans will recognize this ship being blown up in the previous trailer:

Strikingly, and much to the joy of the audience at Celebration, We get clear audio of Vader breathing with this figure in the image:

Given the shape of this silhouette, it certainly hints at the idea this this is the same figure as this other shot from the first Rogue One trailer:

In fact, I will venture to speculate that these two shots are from the same scene, but from different perspectives. There is certainly the conclusion that this is Vader in both shots, with the above one from a reflected perspective on some red panel. However, it occurred to me that the above image could be the second image from Vader’s perspective. Recall what it looks like from Vader’s point of view (from Revenge of the Sith):
It actually isn’t too far off from the first. What would this mean? It could mean that it is Vader in the cylindrical tank, upside-down looking at another figure, possibly the Emperor, approaching! Why is Vader upside down? It could be that he is in some sort of bat-like sleep meditation mode, which would be badass. It could be some sort of inverted-gravity therapy, and bat-like Sith-power-nap all in one. Or it could just be a reflection on the floor but lets be honest that is not as cool.
Closing Logo/Title
Finally, we have a shot of the logo, with not much changed from the previous trailer. As before and as long-since known , “A Star Wars Story” will be the tagline, and not “Anthology” as was originally stated, and as what was described at last year’s Celebration.

Brought to you by @davestrrr and @mazlow01. Stay tuned to for updates MWF.