Weekly Star Wars Recap #82: March 20th, 2017

Another week and another batch of news! A few pieces of news this week, but we do get some insight to the early Rogue One script and a brief scene description from the upcoming The Last Jedi Trailer. It’s looking more and more likely that the trailer will drop at Celebration. As always Spoilers ahead.

Mark Hamill tweets the first Luke Skywalker picture


Just in case you missed it, Mark Hamill posted this great pic of himself on location filming A New Hope, and probably the first photo dressed as Luke.

Three shots from the The Last Jedi Trailer

SWNN has this report about three scenes we’ll see in the Trailer coming out in April that WEREN’T in the investor shots. Here is the meat:

  • There will be a shot of a large city of some sorts.
  • Also there will be what looks to be an important procession and a feast.
  • There is a ship which looks to be a new design or an X-Wing of sorts appearing above a blue planet at high speed. 

Nothing earth shattering, but I am interested in the new X-Wing design and I am guessing the large city and procession are on the same planet related to the scenes on Dubrovnik. Just a guess but I’m going with my gut.

EW has a report on what the original ending of Rogue One was

You can read it here. This was never filmed and you can see why. They really had to jump through some hoops to get Jyn to survive and it doesn’t sound very good. This doesn’t really show us what the film looked like at first cut either which I think most fans want to know. As someone(@mazlow01) that wasn’t that happy with the final product I wish I could see what the original film would have been.

Battlefront 2 at Celebration Orlando?

We typically only cover movie-related news. However we thought this one might be of great interest. Fans will be happy to hear that a trailer for the new game will be at Star Wars Celebration Orlando. The game is also rumored to have the much-wanted single-player campaign mode.


Disney confirms AT-AT at Star Wars Land!

Source  Ok so this one isn’t that big of news but its still pretty cool. They are going all out and I am excited to go to Disney and see it. Why can’t this be open sooner?

Disney/Lucasfilm from inverse.com

Rebels expands Tatooine story, Connections to OT

There has been much discussion about the latest Star Wars Rebels episode Twin Suns. The episode shows what is presumably the 1% of surface of the planet covered in water. Probably more shocking is the fact that Obi Wan Kenobi refers to Luke as the “chosen one”, or at least affirms that he believes that Luke, whom he is protecting, has this status. While Anakin is still the chosen one, this episode sheds new light on the opinions of Obi Wan (Ben) at that time. Obi Wan has given up on Anakin at this point. As fans have pointed out, Pablo Hidalgo chimes in on this point that this is just Obi Wan’s point of view.


Brought to you by @mazlow01 and @davestrrr. Stay tuned to spoiledbluemilk.com for updates!