May the 7th be with you, Star Wars fans! We’re back from another week of Star Wars news, and this past May the 4th has been one of the best so far. We probably won’t cover the May the 4th posts because others have done that many times over. However, we’ve got tons of new details on Solo and other good stuff. Let’s get to it.
Anthony Daniels in Solo?
This one comes from Mark Hamill in a podcast interview from “Cape Up” (via reddit). We don’t know if Daniels will be playing C3P0 or if he will be playing someone else. He has played other characters in the films. However, the time period could fit with Threepio and Artoo having some other job somewhere. Binary load lifters perhaps? The duo ended Revenge of the Sith in the hands of Captain Antilles to an extent, and in A New Hope their last owner was Captain Antilles. So is it possible that they’ve had other owners in between? It is said that R2 and C3P0 will be the only characters to appear in all Star Wars films, so who knows what could happen. I have always suspected all the movies are being told by the droids so it wouldn’t be odd to have them in every one.
Solo “billing block” credits
This image has appeared on twitter. Most everything here we already knew, but still cool to see:
Solo ticket sales breaking records!
This is still early in the game, but the ticket sales of Solo seem to be breaking records, at least surpassing Black Panther. Not sure if it will beat Infinity Wars, but who knows? At this point it’s very early. Variety also estimates a big opening weekend for the film (170Million+).
Other Solo News!
Check out these puzzles images here and here. Check out these hi-res posters for Cannes Film festival. If you haven’t seen this new “instagram video”, check it out here:
Ron Howard has done several interviews, including this one with GMA. Someone put together this great list of Solo images and descriptions. There is an indication that there is a gang called “White Worms” that Han contends with when younger. There is a new video of Donald Glover giving a tour of the Millennium Falcon. Tons of new Topps cards circulating. I’ll leave you with this one of Val:

Brought to you by @davestrrr and @mazlow01. Stay tuned to SpoiledBlueMilk for the best of Star Wars!