Hey folks we held off yesterday because we suspected based on tweets from various people we were getting news. Nothing dropped, but you can bet we’re keeping a watchful eye. So here’s what we have! As always spoilers ahead.
Episode IX casting rumors
According to Twitter rumor there has already been a new character cast and s/he is a Toddler. Now if this is a flashback or perhaps the child of either Kylo, Rey or Finn or a combination of them? Another possibility being thrown around is a child of one of the characters. Reylo fans were quick to speculate about the possibility of a time jump and child of Rey and Ben Solo. We’ll have to keep an eye on this one.

Boba Fett to being filming in 2020?
According to Wegotthiscovered Boba Fett will be in production by 2020. Admittedly, this isn’t the most established site for leaks out there, but hey, you gotta start somewhere. Boba Fett would allow tons of connections to the Underworld Cinematic Universe already built with Solo and other content. There is a ton of potential for this film, and I tons of characters connected to Boba that I’d love to see on the big screen. There is currently no evidence that Daniel Logan will play Boba as in the photo above, but we’d love him for the role.
mazlow01: Now this isn’t a film I want but I bet it will do well.
davestrrr: I love it! Not sure if I trust this source, but a Boba Fett film on the horizon is certainly believable.

Lando in Episode IX?
Lando everyone’s favorite card shark and scoundrel in 9. Or at least that’s what Fanthatracks says. They have a good track record and are friendly with other good sources so you can take this with more than just a grain of salt. The big question is, why did this take so long? It was a missed opportunity to not have Lando in the Canto Bight casino, but maybe they left him out because it would have been a quick cameo that didn’t do justice to the character.
New Star Wars TV Series Starts Production!
The TV series willl begin filming this fall. Live action star wars on the small screen… How awesome is that? Well, we’ve wondered how we will occupy our time from now until Episode IX, and I’d say rumors and leaks regarding this show will be something we’d love to discuss on this site. Stay tuned for more!
Brought to you by @mazlow01 and @davestrrr. Stay tuned to SpoiledBlueMilk for the best of Star Wars!