Hello out there! We’re back for another Monday edition of the weekly Star Wars recap. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover, so let’s get to it!
Episode IX Details
There are a couple of details about Episode IX that we’ve gathered, including a post from Oscar Isaac’s wife, and previous posts from John Boyega, suggesting Jordan. The tweet simply says “Jordan” along with a picture, suggesting that she is traveling with Oscar. A second post essentially confirms that Oscar and John Boyega are filming together. Making Star Wars also published an article compiling all the tweets and posts about Jordan. So if this confirms Jordan, then what does it mean? Given the cast that is present, it certainly sounds like this is part of an excursion that Finn and Poe take together. We’ve known from other leaked photos that Finn and Poe will be doing something together, but given those shots are in a totally different environment (more grassy than desert), this Jordan work could be part of some scenes before or after. The original choice for filming Jakuu was in Jordan, but they didn’t do that because of political instability in the area, and ended up filming in Abu Dhabi. The filming in Jordan could signal a return to Jakuu, thus providing a parallel to RotJ returning to Tatooine. It would be great if this would include some sort of pay-off for all the intriguing backstory about Jakuu being so important in the past, and being a “jumping off point” for travels to the Unknown Regions by the Empire. We’ll see what they come up with! Or could it be Tatooine? It’s the one planet that was in both PT and OT so… ST?

Spin-off Film News
A lot of rumors have surfaced regarding the spin-off films, and a lot of it about what films have been cancelled and what films might be on hold. A long standing rumor is about the Boba Fett film, which was first rumored to be directed by Josh Trank. We’ve now heard more rumblings supporting what was already expected–that the film is cancelled in favor of The Mandolorian. This choice, if true, makes sense considering a lot of audiences will be confused as to whether Boba Fett and the character in the Mandalorian are the same person. Not our readers, of course, but a lot of people out there. I think this doens’t mean we’ll never see a Boba Fett film, but not for near future. I think this is a good thing. I honestly hope they use the Star Wars Story films to introduce new characters and eras.
The Mandalorian Set Challenged by Missing Equipment
Following a photo of George Lucas, Dave Filoni and John Favreau, it looks like the set has gotten some bad news. MSW and others have reported of a theft at the set, including some memory cards and set equipment. Not sure what this means for the future of the show, but if a memory card was leaked, it could possibly lead to some leaked photos. Hopefully this doesn’t disrupt production any.
Star Wars Resistance
Check out a Preview of a new episode titled The High Tower. To be honest, we’ve been a little behind in catching up with Resistance, but I’ve heard some good things. I expect to run some sort of review of the first few episodes in the near future. Until then, Star Wars fans, MTFBWY!
Brought to you by @davestrrr and @mazlow01. Stay tuned to SpoiledBlueMilk for the best of Star Wars!