Greetings, Star Wars fans! It’s been a while. Well, I’m back and here to bring you the Star Wars news yet again. For those of you checking the site, thanks for your support and hopefully we can get these recaps back on track from here out. We’ll also have a new theory article tomorrow morning, so stay tuned for that!
A lot of news has come and gone in the past couple of months. I guess we’ll just let some things slip by and focus on the big stuff. Let’s get to it.
New Rumor about Rey’s Parentage.
This new rumor comes from Making Star Wars, on a patreon podcast. The rumor basically states that Han Solo is Rey’s father from a different mother. We actually discussed this possibility at length in a previous article here.
Interestingly, Pablo Hidalgo has already responded to this rumor with this tweet:
That doesn’t fit with the timeline. Han and Leia were together up until about 5 years before TFA when it all went to hell, and Rey is 19.
— Pablo Hidalgo, Lazer Sword Enthusiast (@pablohidalgo) May 29, 2019
And Making Star Wars responded back:
NOT an endorsement of a certain rumor.
However, the full rumor we discussed does not have a timeline discrepancy at all. If it did it wouldn’t be discussable.
That said, the fact “they” even touched on it likely confirms it’s not it and it’s the other thing.
— Jason Ward (@MakingStarWars) May 29, 2019
One thing is for sure, Jason never officially supported the rumor, but was just passing along. He made clear from the beginning that he “wasn’t ready to die on a hill for the rumor” or something to that effect. So he took it with a grain of salt. That said, he may have a point that it doesn’t necessarily contradict the timeline. It could be that this affair was kept secret and was the thing that caused Leia and Han to separate 5 years before TFA. I like the idea, and think it could add a great twist, add new depth to Kylo killing Han, and new depth to Han and Leia’s separation.
The Rise of Skywalker Photos at Vanity Fair
The photos come from Vanity Fair here, and you can access the images themselves here. You can check out the cover photos without text, here, courtesy of Heath D. Williams. Probably the most intriguing for me is the photo of Rey and Kylo Ren fighting on top of what looks like part of the Death Star in water. What a fantastic mirror to Revenge of the Sith this would be! I’ll have more to say about that in the near future.
The featured image for this article features Finn and Naomi Ackie’s character “Jannah”. Tons of new info on that article including some planet names. There is a photo of Luke that has caused a lot of speculation. Is that from this film, or a photoshopped version of a TLJ photo? Or was the TLJ photo a photoshop of this one? Hard to say. I find it hard to imagine Luke not showing up in TROS as a Force-ghost of some kind. I’m also open-minded to the notion that Luke may even pull a new trick–a Force-resurrection if you will. I don’t see how Luke materializing in human form is so much more strange than him (or other Jedi) vanishing into thin air.

Possible Knights of the Old Republic Movie?
This one would be pretty cool. This rumor has actually been around for a while. We discussed the possibility of a TV show a while back. When people first heard that the creators of Game of Thrones was going to work on a Star Wars movie, this idea came up pretty quickly. It would be a great era to explore, to see something new that isn’t connected to the main characters we’ve seen, but still very much Star Wars. I actually think that a better option might be something like the first Jedi. What was it like for the first people (or aliens) to discover the Force? This could be a small-scale, more personable film. The Old Republic, while cool, sounds like a huge epic that could end up being overwhelming with all the Sith and Jedi around at that period.
Stay tuned to Spoiled Blue Milk for the best of Star Wars!