Holy cow what a week for Rogue One news! Anthony Breznican at EW unloaded a ton of information which we started breaking down last week and will likely do so more this week. Until then lets unpack what’s new! Possible spoilers ahead!
Chirrut, the “spiritual warrior”
Greetings, Star Wars fans! Today, we now have some new information on Rogue One that we can actually sink our teeth into. What a difference. We’ve been through some ups and downs with rumors of reshoots etc, so it feels so good to actually have something concrete. One of the characters that we now have enough to start saying something about is Chirrut Imwe, played by Donnie Yen. Let’s take a look at the latest info on this character quite unlike anything we’ve seen in Star Wars.
Rogue One news dropping like its hot.
I woke up today wishing I had more Rogue One news and then boom Anthony Breznican at Ew.com uploads this story about this week’s cover all about Rogue One. Then about two hours later he drops another article with 10 new characters that names 9 and leaves us wondering about Forrest Whitaker’s identity, who is someone we know which we find out about in his last article of the day! Lets jump into it and look at what Anthony has brought us today(more to come too!)
Weekly Star Wars Recap #44: June 20th 2016
Greetings, Star Wars, fans! Not much in news this week, we only have three stories of note. So let’s get into it and go from there:
Leia, the Force and the Resistance
Leia has always been one of my favorite characters, not just in Star Wars but overall. I get excited about seeing Leia on screen again and it was one of my personal high points to see her in TFA. Over the past two months we’ve gotten a couple of reports of what Leia will be up to in VIII and I want to explore what that means for the character, the Resistance and the film itself. Potential SPOILERS for Episode VIII below, so read on at your own discretion.
A Brief History of Kyber Crystals
Greetings, Star Wars fans! Most of you know that kyber crystals are the heart of lightsabers. These special crystals amplify energy, thus producing the plasma blade. They are also deeply rooted in Jedi tradition. Luminara Unduli went as far as to say to her apprentice Barriss Offee about the crystals:
“The crystal is the heart of the blade. The heart is the crystal of the Jedi. The Jedi is the crystal of the Force. The Force is the blade of the heart. All are intertwined. The crystal, the blade, the Jedi. You are one.” (Star Wars: Clone Wars Chapter 14)
But what role have kyber crystals played in the broader Star Wars galaxy? Read on for more, and beware of potential SPOILERS for Rogue One and Episode VIII.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #43: June 13th 2016
Another week and its another recap. This week doesn’t have anything mind blowing but we do start to see the fabric of Rogue One and Episode VIII coming together.
How did Padme die?
One of the most troubling moments in Revenge of the Sith was the death of Padme. In the movie, we are only given the following:
Medically, she’s fine. We don’t know why, she’s lost the will to live
So why did she die exactly? For many people this part of the movie seemed a bit like a cop-out, and were still left wondering how she died exactly. Anakin as Vader is later troubled to find out she died. He was convinced that she was alive and could “feel” that she was alive. So what happened? Was it the Force-choke? Was it a broken heart? Let’s examine some of the theories.
Legends, EU, Canon, and the Future
On April 25th 2014 Lucasfilm relegated all of the previous Expanded Universe(EU) books to the Legends name and would no longer produce books that followed the timeline and canon it had established. This was done for obvious reasons as they were planning a sequel trilogy and other movies and could not creatively be held back by the efforts of dozens of different writers over 3 decades. There are however a small and dedicated group of fans that have rejected the loss of the stories as being “canon” and want Lucasfilm to continue the other timeline as it should be the real story. Today we are going to examine their claims, ask if canon even matters and what it all means going forward. more “Legends, EU, Canon, and the Future”
Weekly Star Wars Recap #42: June 6th 2016
What week! Not a lot of new but a whole bunch of reshoot drama. So lets break down what we’ve learned and what you missed in the Star Wars news arena!
The ending of Rogue One: cameos and connections
Greetings Star Wars fans! It’s been one heck of a week for rumors about Rogue One. We already covered the rumor about the delays and why we think it isn’t a big deal. Now today, I want to talk about other aspects of Rogue One, in particular the ending and possible cameo rumors that have emerged. Possible spoilers are ahead, so continue at your own risk!
Clickbait, Rumors, and Sources
Earlier this week a paper that shall go unnamed released a report of panic and confusion concerning Rogue One and reshoots. This is just latest report concerning future blockblusters and reshoots to be blown out of proportion and using a tiny bit of correct information to make things seem dire and it all seems to be related to generating clicks and views. Why are we letting them manipulate us, what is clickbait and what sources should we listen to?
Weekly Star Wars Recap #41: May 31st 2016
Good day to you, Star Wars fans! We took yesterday off for Memorial day, but we decided you still deserved a recap so we scoured the reputable sources for all the news you need to know, and you might have missed last week! Beware there be spoilers ahead. Let’s get to it!
Rebels: The Obi-wan Temptation
With continued leaks from Ireland on Episode VIII and publication leaks for Rogue One its easy to forget that there is another Star Wars property that is in production and will be on screen this year, Rebels. Because of this many people have overlooked the interview with Dave Filoni where he says he would want Ewan to voice Obi-wan if they bring him in. The question is when and why they would bring in Obi-wan and is it a good idea? Lets explore!
What role will Yoda play in Episode VIII?
There is no question that Yoda is one of the most beloved characters in the Star Wars saga. The little green Jedi is one of the wisest and most powerful ever, and also tells us you can’t judge a book by its cover. I must admit, I’ve always been a fan of Yoda ever since I can remember, going back to ESB when I was 6 years old. Back then, I had a more vivid memory of the Yoda action figure than the actual movie, but still Yoda was a cool little dude. In this spoiler-laden speculation article we ask the question, what role will Yoda play in Episode VIII?
Weekly Star Wars Recap #40: May 22nd 2016
Hello there, Star Wars fans! It’s time for another round of the Weekly Star Wars Recap. Hard to believe, but this is our 40th week doing this, so we’re approaching one year pretty quickly. It’s actually been a pretty intense week for leaks and rumors on the latest Star Wars feature film projects. As usual, spoilers ahead, so stop reading if you want to avoid them! So, without further adieu, let’s get to it!
The Beginning and the End of the Knights of Ren
The Knights of Ren began as one of the most intriguing aspects of The Force Awakens. When JJ originally told us about the existence of the Knights, eyes widened across the Star Wars fan community. Who are they? Where did they come from? While we can’t answer these questions today, we can say how and where the Knights seem to come to an end. Spoilers after the jump.
Obi-wan Kenobi: The Perfect Jedi
Over the weekend Maryann Brandon(Editor of The Force Awakens) said in a with UCSB Script to Screen that according to George Lucas Obi-wan was merely average in terms of power in the Force. This leads to many questions What is the difference between power and ability and how did he beat Anakin who was considered the most powerful Jedi?
Weekly Recap #39: May 16th 2016
Happy Monday, fellow Star Wars fans! Things are really starting to feel like Summer. We just had George Lucas’ 72nd birthday on May 1, and we’re rapidly approaching the the 39th anniversary of Star Wars on this coming May 25th. So what happened this past week? We’ve got some really hot of the press updates about filming for Episode VIII. Therefore, as usual, be warned of possible SPOILERS below. Let’s get into it:
The latest thinking on Rey’s parentage
With the recent release of Bloodline, we have gotten numerous bits of information about the galaxy far far away in the times leading up to The Force Awakens. Among some of the most impactful are some ideas that pertain to Rey and her origins. Let’s explore some of the ramifications here for a bit. As usual, consider yourself warned as the following contains spoilers for the novel Bloodline.
The First Order’s Original Plan
While the rest of the Star Wars world has focused on Rian Johnson’s contributions to Bloodline, I have continued to ponder what the First Order’s plans to take over galaxy were. I mentioned this in the article on Bloodline we did last week and I it has been on my mind ever since. The more I think about the tiny hints in the book the more I realize that the First Order had plans that much more Machiavellian than we ended up seeing in The Force Awakens. Stop reading now to avoid spoilers from Bloodline.
Weekly Recap #38: May 9th 2016
Greetings, Star Wars Fans! May the 4th has come and gone, and so has Revenge of the sixth. Holy crap, we’re almost half-way to June. more “Weekly Recap #38: May 9th 2016”
Bloodline: The expected, the unexpected, and new info!
Lets start off with a warning, this will be a spoiler filled article on the novel Bloodline, so if you have’t read it and don’t want to read spoilers then run away now lil children. Still here? Then consider yourself warned. Last Friday we did an article reviewing what we expected to see in Bloodline and how it would relate. I think we did pretty well, though there were also a few new pieces of information I didn’t expect.
more “Bloodline: The expected, the unexpected, and new info!”
Let’s chop down that tree!
Happy Star Wars Day, Star Wars fans! What a year we’ve had since the last one. It’s also been somewhat decent of a week for leaks and news. This is the first time, that I can remember, that we’ve had multiple lines of evidence connecting around one singular item. Once we reach a critical mass of information about a Star Wars film, then the theories start flying fast and furious.
Weekly Recap #37: May 2nd 2016
Greetings, Star Wars fans. Not much released but there were some cool photos from Episode 8 sets and Mads is getting dangerously close to ruining his NDA! Spoilers ahead.
Bloodline: What do we expect
With the eminent release of Bloodline by Claudia Gray we have been fascinated by what we already know will change several hypothesis we’ve had as well as many others. The first three chapters of Bloodline have been released and based on the information in them and on earlier reviews I am going to speculate on what this means for our hypothesis, how we understood The Force Awakens, and how this information will inform our understanding of Episode VIII. Potential Spoilers ahead.
The mystery of the stone “beehive huts” on Ahch-To
At the end of The Force Awakens, we got a glimpse of some stone huts on Ahch-To. Rey walks past them after she traverses the hills on the island on her way to find Luke. As it turns out, filming has begun one week ago for scenes in a re-created version of the huts. more “The mystery of the stone “beehive huts” on Ahch-To”
Weekly Recap #36: April 25th 2016
Greetings, Star Wars fans! We’re back with another weekly recap of Star Wars news from around the world. As always potential Spoilers ahead so run away if you don’t want to know. Let’s get to it!
Women in Star Wars, they make things happen
While there may be some small yet vocal group of “fans” that are lamenting the idea women being leads in Star Wars, those of us that understand Star Wars know that women have always the most important characters in the movies. They have driven the plot, started our other heroes along their path and taken charge of situations. Today we’re going to go over the many contributions the women of Star Wars have made to our favorite movies.
The owl (convor) at the end of the Rebels finale
Star Wars fans were faced with a bit of a mystery at the very end of the Star Wars Rebels Season 2 finale. We got a glimpse of a owl-like creature, a “convor“, that was perched above on a structure watching Darth Vader walk away from his fight with Ahsoka Tano.
Weekly Recap #35: April 18th 2016
Coming from last week where we had a new trailer and just coming off the season finale of Rebels, it certainly feels like there’s not much in the way of news this week. That said, we have a few pieces of info to share! Let’s begin with the Star Wars news Weekly Recap:
The one theory about Snoke that seems to hold up.
We’ve spent some time thinking about Snoke. You can read our previous articles on him here, here, and here. We’ve explored many of the theories and rumors out there. That’s what we do at Spoiled Blue Milk. We dig up the theories from the unknown regions of the world wide web, and run them up the flagpole, and see if the evidence holds up. Today is no different. more “The one theory about Snoke that seems to hold up.”
The biggest questions for Star Wars Episodes VIII and IX
Now that I have The Force Awakens on Blu-Ray and can watch it whenever I want I have been thinking more and more about the questions that the movie left unanswered. Some of these questions will most likely be answered in spin off materials such as novels and comics but others are key to how the main story will progress. Others will influence how we see the characters moving forward and influence their actions too. Lets figure out what big questions there are more “The biggest questions for Star Wars Episodes VIII and IX”
Weekly Recap #34: April 11th 2016
Greetings, Star Wars fans! We’re back for another weekly Star Wars news recap. Last week we got our first footage of the first stand-alone “Anthology film” Rogue One. We also got some new information on Episode VIII. Let’s begin…
That’s not Thrawn!
Now would be a great time to do an analysis of the Rogue One trailer but that’s not what we’re going to do. Why? Well there are already probably hundreds of them and the only thing I can add to those is my opinion. You want that? It was great, as a fan that follows Star Wars new obsessively I got what was going on and and am super excited. I do however see some flaws, the most important being not letting the average viewer know the time frame of the movie. That being said even those people are excited by the trailer. There are two questions that people have had: Who is kneeling and who is the guy in white?
Is that Batman in The Force Awakens?
I’m so excited about seeing the Rogue One trailer tomorrow that I thought I would post a bonus article. Here goes…
OK, so I didn’t see this anywhere online, so either I’m crazy, or I could be the first to point this out. It appears that maybe, just maybe, JJ Abrams put Batman into the Maz’s castle scene. Why would I ever think such a thing would happen?
The obvious and subtle parallels between Rey and Ren
We’ve commented at lengths about the numerous parallels between Rey and Ren. Yeah, that’s right, I’ve called him “Ren” instead of Kylo as a usually do because we’ve recently learned that the Knights of Ren are named after Kylo Ren. Not the other way around as early reports suggested. It was originally said by Abrams in an Entertainment Weekly interview that Kylo Ren took the name “Ren” when he joined the Knights of Ren.
Weekly Recap #33: April 4th 2016
Greetings, Star Wars fans! Hope you had a good weekend. We’ve got a few morsels of news here, so let’s get started:
Rebels: So…now what?
Now that we have the second season of Rebels in the bag we have to ask ourselves what happens next. Where will our intrepid heroes end up? To answer those questions we need to first review what happened in the finale. I must admit I was ultimately disappointed in the finale. more “Rebels: So…now what?”
Rey’s got some nice buns.
Rey’s hairstyle is taking the world by storm. There are now many, many, more, and even more websites and videos that guide Star Wars fangirls on how to fashion their hair into Rey’s signature 3 bun style. No doubt this hair style is one of the biggest things since Leia’s original hairstyle in A New Hope. Only a unique hairstyle like this can match Rey’s excellence as a character in Star Wars.
Weekly Recap #32: March 28th 2016
Greetings, Star Wars fans! I hope you’ve had a nice Easter and/or spring break if you had one, and maybe got a nice change in the weather. Flowers are blooming. Love is in the air. We’ve got a spring in our step for Star Wars news! Don’t forget, as usual there are spoilers here! Here is what’s happening: more “Weekly Recap #32: March 28th 2016”
Lightsabers: 10 Blades We Love
Your father’s lightsaber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. An elegant weapon… for a more civilized age.—Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The lightsaber is one of the most iconic weapons in movie history, from the look to the sound and use they are the defining characteristic of the Star Wars universe. Today I’m going to explore the 10 most unique/iconic blades from Clone wars to TFA. In no particular order: more “Lightsabers: 10 Blades We Love”
Visit Dubrovnik! It’s great this time of year (Dubrovnik Recap)
You’d better hurry to Dubrovnik if you want to get your last glimpse of Star Wars this year. Filming has ended a week ago, so pretty much everything has been cleaned up. That said, you might still get to see something Star Wars related. Not ready to book the tickets? Well, how about sitting back and enjoying this recap of the best and coolest news from Dubrovnik. more “Visit Dubrovnik! It’s great this time of year (Dubrovnik Recap)”
Weekly Recap #31 March 21st 2016
We’ve got more Episode VIII a little bit on two anthology movies and a teaser for Rebels that has to be seen!
Chekhov’s Gun:The Force Awakens Edition
Chekhov’s gun is a literary tool that is used to cut superfluous dialog, scenes, and action in a story.
“Remove everything that has no relevance to the story. If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it’s not going to be fired, it shouldn’t be hanging there- Anton Chekhov
Who exactly was the “Clan Leader” in Rey’s flashback?
The origin of Rey has been quite a mystery and one of the most discussed mysteries in The Force Awakens. We discussed this earlier a few times, and we’ve concluded that a key part of her backstory, regardless of her parentage, is her “clan”. But who or what exactly was this “clan”? Presumably, the clan is Rey’s clan, and the group of people/tribe/clan in which she was born. Perhaps some of her early years were spent with the clan.
more “Who exactly was the “Clan Leader” in Rey’s flashback?”
Weekly Recap #30 March 14th 2016
Just a few stories this week but holy cow did we get information! Episode VIII, Rogue One and the Han Solo movie spoilers ahead.
The cave! Remember your failure at the cave!
Yes, yes. To Obi-Wan you listen. The cave. Remember your failure at the cave! -Yoda

Caves have had a recurring presence in Star Wars from the beginning. From the space-slug cave on an asteroid in ESB (“This is no cave!”), to the Wampa’s ice cave in the same movie, to the recent Episode of Rebels that found Zeb and Kallus trapped in a cave on a moon, to the cave in the deleted scene of Return of the Jedi where Luke finished building his lightsaber. Caves have been a common mythological motif going way back. Going all the way back to…well…all the way back to cavemen.
The fall of Ben Solo
Ben Solo, son of Han and Leia, once an apprentice of Luke, now the Master of the Knights of Ren renamed Kylo Ren, the question is how? What lead Ben Solo to abandon his training with Luke and seek out the Darkside? How did Snoke begin to influence Ben? Today I’m going to explore some of my ideas on how this happened. This will be pure speculation based on the information we currently have available. Bloodline, coming out in May could possibly fill in more information but who wants to wait, right? more “The fall of Ben Solo”
Weekly Recap #29 March 7th 2016
Greeting Star Wars fans! About this time last year, we were pretty deep into rumors and info about The Force Awakens. Way deeper than we are now for Rogue One, which suggests they are keeping this film a little tighter. Other than a few shots of set set construction, the news about Rogue One is pretty slim. That said, we have a few new pieces of info about Rogue One and Episode VIII (still two years away), so let’s begin.