Another week, another recap of all the news that you need to know about Star Wars. We got it all Rogue One, Rebels and Episode VIII. So buckle up and potential spoilers ahead!
Valene Kane confirms role as Lyra Esro
Source: BelfastLive
This is sure to be a very small roles in either a flashback or in the opening sequence. She’s there, she dies via the Empire and now we have Jyn’s Motivation. This story goes way back and props to for getting this scoop originally.
Dave Filoni is no longer the Supervising Director of Rebels
Source: Bigshineyrobot
YAY!? Honestly he appears to have as much input as ever so I don’t think there will be huge changes. He will remain the Executive Producer, so hence will still have a huge role. If anything Lucasfilm is trying to free him up to either direct something else or give him more opportunities to tell stories elsewhere in the Star Wars universe. Here’s hoping that he is working on a new series set in the years between RotJ and TFA. That would enable the exploration of Snoke’s backstory, as well as turn some of the novels like Bloodline into TV material. This would also possibly enable the exploration of the beginnings of the Knights of Ren, which JJ Abrams said he was interested in.
Episode VIII scene involving Finn, bombs and more
Jason with spoilers! I’m not sure I really understand what is going on in this scene as its described but it seems to be an action scene on a ship with Finn Tran’s new character and few others wrecking havoc on a First Order ship. Not sure this is exactly right but I am willing to put money on this being a shot we will see in the film.
Interview with Dave Filoni on Rebels Season 3 and more
Source: Blastr
Geek Girl Diva should get more interviews with Star Wars people… she did a great job here. Dave answers a few things and gives us hints some of which we talked about last week here. Nothing exactly ground breaking but it does give us a good idea of how he works. There were a few clues about the convorees, but still difficult to decipher. Head over to check out the article!
Lupita has filmed her Maz scenes!
Source: EW via Ellen
I’m still confused as to what exactly is going on here… that being said this tells me one huge thing, Maz will have one maybe two scenes. We pointed out before that there was something strange about the claim that she hadn’t filmed her scenes.
Carrie Fisher Interview on Episode VIII and more!
There was a recording of an Carrie Fisher interview where she made a comment about “floating through the air”. She started off the interview by saying that nothing she says should be trusted, so take this with a grain of salt until further notice. Other than this, there isn’t much new information in this interview.
Brought to you by @mazlow01 and @davestrrr. Stay tuned to for updates MWF