Weekly Star Wars Recap #74, January 23rd 2017

Right before we started this recap we got a big peice of news concerning Episode VIII. Jump on in and lets take a look. Spoilers ahead!

Episode VIII title revealed.


Probably the biggest piece of news is the official name drop of Episode VIII’s title: The Last Jedi. This comes from the Star Wars Instagram page, so it’s official, folks. I am really interested in the fact that used Red as the color defiantly telling us something about the tone of this film. Then again RotJ had a red logo so maybe not? Perhaps they are merely letting us know that this movie is going to be focused on Luke and possibly explain why he was hiding and what he has learned. Either way the title is awesome a break from the formula we are used to and in a good way.

 Woody Harrelson reveals his character’s name?

This one seems legit, but also there are questions. Woody Harrelson just said “Yeah, I am” to the question of his character’s name,Garris Shrike. This could taken out of context, because the video cuts off there. However, it could be legit. Garris was basically Han’s adoptive father in the EU but he was a bit more of a bastard than Han ever was. He beat Han and ultimately attempted to betray him for a bounty. The boys over at Makingstarwars tend to think that it’s really his character’s name and I(mazlow01) am inclined to believe them but we shall see. There is some truth to legends after all.

Rey’s outfit for Episode VIII?


In a new leak from MakingStarWars, they point out an image that contains both Rey and Luke’s costumes from Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. I like that her hair is down and from what we can see her outfit is slightly changed. The fighting pose tells me she gets into also somewhat confirming what we’ve heard previously.

Thrawn book gets a synopsis

You can read it over at Penguinrandomhouse.com. It looks as though they are keeping some of the Legends background or at least adapting it to new the EU.

Rogue One passes $1 billion worldwide

According to the latest numbers Rogue One has hit 1 billion dollars. I guess that means the Star Wars Story movies are going to be a go for quite awhile and Lucasfilm is joining Marvel in shared universe/shared box office domination group.


Brought to you by @mazlow01 and @davestrrr. Stay tuned to spoiledbluemilk.com for updates!