Hello out there in Star Wars land! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving if you’re in the USA. If not in the USA, I hope you’ve had a great week in anticipation of The Last Jedi, which is a mere 17 days away! We’re back to bring you another bountiful bunch of Star Wars news, and let me tell you this stuff is coming in fast. Let’s get to it!
New The Last Jedi Clips!
First, there is a new TV spot called “Back” with new footage of Phasma and more. There is a new video making the rounds at theaters that comes from ReyloFangirls on twitter. New footage of Rey, Chewie, and Luke! The key bit of news here is Luke’s attitude when he first meets Rey. He states “Do you think I came to the most un-findable place in the Galaxy for no reason”. Clearly Luke wants to be left alone. This changes to some degree, but this gives some context to Luke’s reluctance to train Rey. As we’ve discussed before, Luke is a defeated man, but we don’t think he is leaning toward the dark side. Luke aint dark, he’s just grumpy. Making Star Wars also ran a piece on this! He’s hiding for a reason and I think his failure is only part of it.
New Snowtrooper Photo

This one comes from Empire magazine. You’ll notice that this scene is likely related to another image from the first trailer with Kylo Ren leading some troops into a cave, likely to be on Crait.
With all the crystal caves on Crait, I wonder if these guys are out looking for kyber crystals for a new superweapon. Or if its just a mission to destroy the command structure of the Resistance.
Opportunity for Q&A with Rian Johnson!
Everyone would love a chance to talk to The Last Jedi writer/director Rian Johnson. Now on twitter tomorrow (LIVE Nov 28th at 10am PST) you can ask him questions. Check the tweet:
Join us for a live @Twitter Q&A tomorrow with Star Wars: #TheLastJedi director @RianJohnson! Submit your questions now with #RianJohnson. pic.twitter.com/yL09XDPoXP
— Star Wars (@starwars) November 27, 2017
New Star Wars/Hyundai Promotion on Facebook
The short clip with remote control BB-8 and BB-9E toys can be seen here on Facebook. Not sure what it means, but could just mean there will be a commercial or some other promotion. I wouldn’t count on any major revelations, but the post promises “something big”. Maybe worth keeping an eye on it. Could be a Star Wars night or something small like that.
New Teases from Korean Tumblr blog
We don’t know what to make of this, but sharing nonetheless. A tumblr blog called “RenReynbow” has posted a relation chart from a Korean promo along with another Korean promo promising a “shock to end all shocks”. The blogger has posted translations of all of this content. Not too much new here, maybe some hype. Still cool.
New The Last Jedi Behind The Scenes clip in theaters!
This may be worth keeping an eye out for. A blog called Star Wars Heroine has posted some footage from a BTS trailer being shown in some theaters. Poor quality, but still some new footage. Took a while to load for me, but I’m on crappy free internet in an airport.
New Topps cards show some The Last Jedi images!
You might want to check out this image of a patron of the Canto Bight casino, or this image, and this image of Canto Bight police officer. The original Topps card for the police officer seems to be down. There’s also a card of Kylo Ren’s TIE silencer, but this image looks like we’ve seen it before. Digital Spy is also reporting new cards for Rose’s sister Paige, as well as a new character named Nix.
The Last Jedi Sneak Peak at Disney Magic Holiday Celebration
This one comes from Jedi News UK. They reported similar stuff before, and now they are saying that on November 30th, at 9pm EST on ABC, during a Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge (the new theme park attraction) promo, there will be The Last Jedi content. No promises on what this will be, but could be some new footage. Could be all old footage for that matter, but who knows.
Brought to you by @davestrrr and @mazlow01. Stay tuned to Spoiled Blue Milk for the best of Star Wars!