Weekly Star Wars Recap #132: March 6th, 2018

Another week down and its time for the Recap! The last episode of Rebels was last night so if you didn’t see it…stay away. Spoilers below.

Rebels Series Finale

If you didn’t see it you kissed out. The episode itself was great and ended in a satisfactory way for the show. The wolves kicked butt. Ezra faces some difficult choices. We see the return of a lot of characters from Hondo, to the other two clones, to Ahsoka.

Mazlow01:  I do have my issues with it mainly the survivors, Ahsoka and Ezra. Yes they are conveniently “gone” but they are still both Jedi and clash with the idea that Yoda called Luke the last, as well as it doesn’t seem to me to be in Ahsoka’s character to leave the rebellion. But I(mazlow01) usually disagree with the choices that Filoni makes so no surprise her.

Davestrrr: I don’t have a problem with Ahsoka surviving. Technically, she’s not a Jedi and left the order long ago. Just as Vader survived and that didn’t contradict Yoda, other non-Jedi Force-users could survive, and there could be others out there. As for Ezra, this would be OK if he ultimately leaves the order. That said, he has disappeared, so maybe he’s still “gone” for now.

The Last Jedi Novel is out

It was released today! Go get it as everyone that has read it seems to love it. There have been a ton of leaks already about how much expanded with Snoke’s story and how Luke’s academy was destroyed.

Episode IX will be the last for John Williams

This article from the AV Club has the quote. I’m not surprised but still he is the soundtrack to my childhood. He will be missed.

Solo Details

There is an IMAX poster now! There was also an interview with Michael K. WIlliams on the character Dryden Vos (or Vos?). Also check out this article from SWNN on the lego sets, which may have some details about some speeders and the Corellian hounds.

Brought to you by @mazlow01 and @davestrrr. Stay tuned to Spoiled Blue Milk for the best of Star Wars!