Weekly Star Wars Recap #135: March 27th, 2018

Dear Star Wars fans, welcome to another edition of the weekly Star Wars recap. I’d be lying if I said that there was a lot of good news this week, but sometimes you gotta scrape the bottom of the Star Wars barrel, and this could be one of those times.

Chris Miller of Lord and Miller tweets a simple message

Out of context, this seems a bit general. This is probably speaking about the many rumors concerning the condition of him and Phil Lord leaving the film. Most recently, a report from Variety describes how they will take “Executive Producer” roles after leaving. I can only assume this part is true because 1) Variety is a pretty respectable outlet, and 2) It was a direct quote from Miller. The tweet is probably referring to a lot of other rumors circling the project that have emerged. For example, this article that just came out. Among them is a rumor that Ehrenreich needed an acting coach to imitate Harrison Ford better. They could be rejecting that article in part or whole, or another detail. At any rate, this is good advice in general.

“Original Ending” to Episode IX

This one is a bit complicated. In a recent interview, Mark Hamill said that he had some details on Lucas’ original ending for the Star Wars saga. However, this is put in better context when you consider that when this happened, the story wasn’t really fleshed out to the extent that it is today. In fact, at that time, the story was different. This is underscored by a tween from Brandon Bird:

This serves as a good reminder that they hadn’t even worked out how RotJ would end up, and in fact the story of RotJ may have originally been planned to be stretched out over many films. There was a subplot of Luke searching the galaxy for his estranged sister. So maybe Leia wasn’t planned to be Luke’s sister originally? I would guess that this was at least one of the ideas under consideration.

Denny’s and Jedi Council Solo: A Star Wars Story Promotion

Check out this video about an event on April 2nd. Stay tuned for more on that because they claim to be releasing some new Solo details.

Star Wars Open World game?

Or should we say “open galaxy”? This one is intriguing for sure. Some of you may remember Star Wars: Galaxies from a while back. This could be that, but much more. It could also be less. We don’t know at this point because this is based on a job posting. Could be to early to say. EA is working on this one, and who knows if this involves resurfacing some of the old 1313 stuff, or something like Galaxies, or something completely different. However, given that both of those projects were from LucasArts, and this is from Electronic Arts, we might expect to see something totally different.

Brought to you by @davestrrr and @mazlow01. Stay tuned to SpoiledBlueMilk for the best of Star Wars!