Weekly Star Wars Recap #137: April 9th, 2018

Another week down  and it looks like the SOLO leaks are on the way! Lets jump into the week’s news and as always Spoilers ahead.

Solo Trailer!

OK, so much to break down here. Expect more articles on the content of this trailer coming soon! First Impressions, I loved the guitar usage in the soundtrack, the feel of everything really immerses you in the galaxy. Chewie was awesome, Qi’ra I like, Lando, nailed it… Han… serviceable. Not great but not bad, I think the biggest problem is this is a Han that’s ten years younger and my own head is getting in the way. I suspect that once I’m in the theater I will like it more. There is a lot more to get into but I think we may save that for an article later this week.

Official Poster

Looks very much like a western. Based on the trailer we’re getting a very western like story, train heist gambling, armed showdowns… This works. While we’re at that, there are a ton of new posters revealed over at Milner’s Blog.

Toys Toys Toys

Instead of letting the internet steal all the photos StarWars.com posted this article with all the Solo toys being released starting next week. You can get a good look at the costumes and get an idea of who is who. I’m digging Han’s “car” speeder the we know he uses in a race early on. Also, this “mud trooper” is looking pretty awesome. Love the hood and cape:

Other Solo News and Leaks

A couple of new things emerged in the past week. It looks like head baddie “Enfys Nest” is a “she” according to a tweet of some French promotional material. Also, there is an image that has surfaced showing Q’ira holding Han’s golden dice, seen in The Last Jedi.

That’s it for now today’s recap is brought to you by @davestrrr and @mazlow01. Stay tuned to SpoiledBlueMilk for the best of Star Wars!