Hello, Star Wars fans! We’re back for another weekly recap. A day later than hoped, but with any luck we can make up for it with some choice cuts of newsworthy Star Wars goodness. Let’s take a look at what we have to work with here. Big spoilers to come, so proceed with caution.

Star Wars Resistance confirmed!
Just announced, the new animated series has been confirmed to be Star Wars: Resistance. It has a nice ring to it. We discussed rumors way back in February, based on a tweet from Jordan Maison and also from Yakface. Those rumors were pretty solid, and are now confirmed. We have some scarce details about the show, other than a new pilot character named Kazuda Xiona. Captain Phasma and Poe Dameron, and likely others, will have appearances. It’s not sure how significant their role will be, but it will certainly be cool to explore their backstories. This presents a huge opportunity to explore the backstory of Snoke and Ben Solo. How could they pass something like that up?
As we discussed before, the Resistance was founded 6 years before the events of The Force Awakens, which could time things well for a six-season show. Or maybe they’ll start closer to TFA, and actually overlap with the events of the sequel trilogy? This wouldn’t be unheard of, but it seems to be a tradition of Star Wars to not actually overlap with the saga films.
New Solo Details!
There is a new TV ad that might have some new footage from the film. Check it here. In particular, at the end, Han and Chewie let out a “Whoooo!” of sorts that I haven’t seen yet. That said, it could be something they shot for promotions like this. There is a great new featurette called “Becoming Solo” with tons of new footage and details from Ron Howard and others. There is a neat little Disney interview with Alden Ehrenreich, where they state that we see more of the Millennium Falcon in this film than any other movie. There is this new “dolby” poster:
By the way, if you haven’t read this Esquire interview with Alden Ehrenreich, it’s a must. He discusses a lot of the rumors surrounding the film, along with the acting coach rumors, and he offers details regarding the change of directors. Spoiler alert, the rumors were exaggerated at best.
Enfys Nest’s Voice
This is a big one coming from Corey at Making Star Wars. We’ve discussed recently how Enfys Nest just might be a woman, and in fact…spoilers!…might be Qi’ra in disguise. We don’t actually know who it is, but there is a lot of speculation around the idea that it could be of the the leading female character in disguise. This new audio from MSW pretty much confirms that the character is female. The secrecy surrounding the person playing the character just might point to a big twist in the film. I kind of expect a double-twist between Nest being either Val or Qi’ra, and maybe the characters first think it’s one, but ends up being the other.
Episode IX details
A recent tweet suggests that Colin Trevorrow may have been ousted from Episode IX earlier than thought, as reported by Star Wars News Net. Well, it makes some sense that they would hold on to that to release it at the right time. I think this one tells us minimal information about the film itself, and just gives a glimpse at the secrecy that goes on behind the scenes.
There is a new interview with John Boyega, where he states that he will be growing out his hair for Episode IX. What hairstyle will he have? Not sure, but looks like he’s got some small dreads growing on top and the sides short, so maybe that’s the beginning of his new style? More important that a haircut, this pretty much confirms a time-jump between The Last Jedi and IX, as we’ve expected.
Brought to you by @davestrrr and @mazlow01. Stay tuned to SpoiledBlueMilk.com for the best of Star Wars!