The big secret about “Enfys Nest” in Solo: A Star Wars Story

Of all the characters in Solo: A Star Wars Story,  probably the most  secrecy surrounds the new villain Efys Nest, especially considering how big of a role she’ll play. Potentially major spoilers and speculation for Solo: A Star Wars Story below!

We’ve done a rundown of the villians of Solo: A Star Wars Story. Admittedly, we are still largely in speculation mode about a lot of the characters. That’s crazy considering how close we are to the film’s release.

One villain character that stands out is Enfys Nest. Part of the reason why she stands out, which was brought to my attention by a recent Collider: Jedi Council episode, is the fact that the IMDB page for the movie does not list her. This point was also made by screenrant. Clearly, there was someone under the mask during filming, so why don’t we know? The reason could be to set up a major reveal at some point during the film. This could be a major “twist” that is set up throughout. But who could it be?

Disney, Lucasfilm

Probably the most dramatic twist that I can imagine is if Qi’ra, played by Emilia Clarke, who is set up as sort of a love interest, or at least an old friend of Han’s going back to his early days. What a twist it would be if she turned out to be the main villain. This screenrant article reports that another actress in the suit rejects the Qi’ra theory.

We’ve now learned that Qi’ra isn’t Enfys Nest. Check the video mentioned in this weekly recap as evidence. See update below

Han and Qi’ra went on different paths at some point early in the film, leading to them being reunited as seen in the trailer. This time away could have set Qi’ra down the wrong path with the wrong people, culminating in her being allied with Dryden Vos. She isn’t affiliated with the Swoopbike gang, but she has other motives.

Disney, Lucasfilm

Another possibility is Thandie Newton’s character, rumored to be called “Val”. She does look kind of scheming in this photo, sort of scanning around assessing everyone else. However, I think this may be a red herring. Something tells me that Val will be set up as someone of questionable trustworthiness, but in the end saves the day. In this way, I speculate that the audience will be misled to think it’s Val. We’ve now learned that Val dies early in the film, saving the crew. She can’t be Enfys Nest.

Tobias Becket’s warning to Han seen in the trailer.

“Let me give you some advice, assume everyone will betray you, and you will never be disappointed.”

What’s interesting about this, is while he says this, it cuts through shots of Qi’ra, Lando, and Val. So I would say any of them, including Becket himself, could theoretically betray Han. The most dramatic twist, might be his crush from his early days. Now we know that while she does work for Dryden Vos, it’s clear that Enfys Nest is not part of Han’s crew.

SOLO – A Star Wars Story TRAIN HEIST Cover

The big train heist that we see on the trailer also tells us something. This heist has been described as a three-way battle between Solo’s crew, the train security, and Enfys Nest’s gang.

Disney, Lucasfilm

We now know what Enfys Nest looks like. Check out this image here:

source: CoCoMatze

The big twist is that she is a young girl! Not one of Solo’s crew, but surprising nonetheless.

Brought to you by @davestrrr Stay tuned to Spoiled Blue Milk for the best of Star Wars!