Weekly Star Wars Recap #145: June 4th, 2018

Well folks, we’re past the second weekend for Solo and it’s going to be another couple of months before Episode IX starts filming, so expect the news to slow down. No matter what, you can expect us to bring you the most accurate recap of what is going on in the Star Wars Universe. As always potential spoilers ahead.

Working Title for Episode IX Revealed!

FanthaTracks, who has been really on point recently, has released some new details on Episode IX.  They have exclusively revealed that the working title is:


Well, this is like “trixie”, but with the IX capitalized. Not sure what this could mean, if anything. They may have just scanned for words that contain “ix” so they could just capitalize it. I wouldn’t look too much into this one, and normally these titles are chosen to obscure any connection to the actual film. My guess is it just contains the letters IX and that’s it.

Solo box-office sales have surpassed cost of film

Well, I suppose this was going to happen eventually. While the cost of making the Solo film was reported to be more than $250 million, if we assume that was the total, then it has recently broke even. According to BoxOfficeMojo.com, the Solo film has brought in over $264 million in worldwide ticket sales. Come to think of it, I guess I don’t know how much of those sales actually go to the company, and how much goes to theaters etc. At any rate, it looks plausible that the film could break even. It’s a really good movie, so I’m hoping that people will start attending more so that we get more like it. I’m certain that once you add in the merchandising and the eventual blu-ray/dvd sales it will make a nice little profit.

Hey, if you haven’t seen this movie, and you want to be entertained, see this thing on the big screen. It’s a trip.

New Solo Details

A couple of new details here. We discussed in detail last week what we thought about Crimson Dawn and the rumors of an Underworld Cinematic Universe. We’ve also recently found out that Anthony Ingruber did indeed audition for the film. Having rewatched Age of Adeline, I totally agree with Lucasfilm’s casting decision. Anthony is a good likeness, and can do the Harrison smirk, but I don’t know if he has the chops to carry a film.

In other news, we have a confirmation from Leland Chee of when Solo takes place. He confirms that the film takes place between 13 and 10 years before A New Hope. Sounds like the stuff on Corellia was 13 years before ANH, and thus 6 years after Revenge of the Sith. The Kessel run and other stuff takes place 10 years before ANH, and 9 yeas after RotS.

Star Wars Celebration Tickets go on sale Tomorrow!

The Celebration website has updated to show tickets will be on sale tomorrow at noon CDT(Central time USA). You are sure to get either a Trailer for Episode IX and/or BTS reel plus the cast and crew.

New Interview between Rian Johnson and the Kasdans

The Star Wars filmmakers discuss the their views on movie making and Star Wars. Hat-tip to redditor Jakaptur for pointing out that Rian discusses his own trilogy.

Brought to you by @davestrrr and @mazlow01. Stay tuned to spoiledbluemilk for the best of Star Wars!