Weekly Star Wars Recap #152: July 25th, 2018

Howdy, Star Wars fans. We’re back for another round of Star Wars news. This is a big week it turns out, with the return of a major Star Wars series. Let’s get to the news.

Clone Wars gets Seventh Season

Just announced, the award-winning animated series is getting another season. This one sort of came out of left field. Didn’t expect it at all! Such great news to hear nonetheless. This show was much loved by fans, and seemed to get better and better with each season. I was at a panel at Star Wars Celebration Orlando and saw some great early animatics for some unfinished episodes. We’ve discussed a few of them here, including a show-down between Boba Fett and Cad Bane, and another arc with some stolen kyber crystals that Anakin and Obi-Wan were hunting down. The best part of this is, there is no solid indication that this will be the last season. It’s fairly clear that this show will be released as part of Disney’s streaming service, and if the season is a success, we just might see even more in the future.


New Buzz around Episode IX Toys

According to a new interview from Star Wars News Net, work has already begun at Hasbro on toys for Episode IX. From the article:

So yes, we’ve started working on Episode IX. Very exciting and you can expect to see very similar style offering. We have a great stuff for kids, we have Black Series, Vintage, Role-play. Maybe a couple of new things that will be surprises. –Joe Ninivaggi, Hasbro 

That last little bit about the “new things” is of course really intriguing. What could it mean? Anyone’s guess at this point. Could be the next Zuvio, could be the next Ewok playset. It’s so great to imagine all the new characters and concepts that are underway at Lucasfilm.

Billy Dee Williams and his Mystery Tweet

Billy Dee tweeted recently the following:

“You’ve been seeing a big reaction”

What exactly does this mean? Who knows. The fact that he deleted it shortly after makes people wonder if this was a hint of some kind. The reaction could mean the reaction of the fans in response to the rumor that he is returning for Episode IX. The subsequent deletion could be because there has been no official announcement, just rumors. The is probably much ado about nothing, but worth mentioning anyway.

List of Upcoming Books with Images!

Thanks to live-tweets from SWU, and collected by redditor IRHNLL we have this link to a huge cache of images and descriptive texts of new upcoming Star Wars books! Check it out.


Brought to you from @mazlow01 and @davestrrr. Stay tuned to SpoiledBlueMilk for the best of Star Wars!