Weekly Star Wars recap #155: August 20th, 2018

Hello there, Star Wars Fans! Its that time of the week again for the weekly recap! Lets see what is rumored what is released and what else crazy is going on in the galaxy far far away.

Episode IX shooting until Feb 2019

You can read JJ’s remarks here. This is interesting to me for a couple of reasons, the most important is that we are unlikely to get a trailer as early as we did for TFA. I suspect Christmas at the earliest. This also seems like a REALLY long shooting schedule 6-7 months… I wonder if that means there will be a boat load of locations or JJ is shooting a bunch of extras to have options during editing.

Star Wars Resistance Trailer!

If you want a breakdown of the shots in the trailer, head over to Making Star Wars. They pretty much covered it. A couple of interesting tidbits include a gold Stormtrooper that some have considered to be an earlier form of Phasma, or some sort of prototype. Evidence against this is the fact that the trigger has a bar over it and Phasma’s gun does not. There might be a female “blob fish” alien similar to Unkar Plutt.

Resistance Time Frame

This seems REALLY close to TFA and I wonder how much they can get out of such tight time frame. My guess would be they would do a couple of seasons between TLJ and Episode IX? I’m not sure, but I would say that would be a very interesting possibility. I don’t know if the timing would work out, but they could conceivably build up some backstory to Episode IX during the fall of 2019 before Episode IX is released.

Yoda in new Clone Wars season.

This one is nice to see. Expect some Yoda in the new season of Clone Wars. This one is pretty much a given, but it’s good to have some confirmation.

Brought to you by @mazlow01 and @davestrrr. Stay tuned to SpoiledBlueMilk for the best of Star Wars!