Hello, Star Wars fans! I’d like to share a little theory that I’ve had recently. It’s about a scene…a scene the basis for which has been set up so perfectly until now. No telling if they will actually do it, but here goes.
As I’ve written before, I think there is something about the Jedi books that harkens back to Star Wars Ring Theory. There are eight books on that shelf, and the heights if the first six correspond to the ring theory of the OT and PT, with the two books on the right being smaller than the rest, perhaps humbly represented as smaller than GL’s originals.
The idea of these Jedi books being a symbol for the Star Wars saga makes sense. The audience of The Last Jedi may have at first thought that the narrative of the original saga was burned away, only to return at the end. As Luke says:
The Rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning. And I will not be the last Jedi….
Followed by a scene that references Obi Wan and Darth Vader’s final confrontation on the Death Star more than once. Cleary, The Last Jedi didn’t throw away the originals and in fact echos them in several places after this. Similarly, the audience may have thought that the Jedi books were burned down, only to find that Rey had stashed them aboard the Millennium Falcon. All is saved.
As it turns out, there are only two places that come to mind for me where an actual physical book with pages was in Star Wars. Yeah, there was the Jedi library, but all those books were pretty much digital media, and more-abstract, futuristic, data-storing objects that don’t have actual pages. The only other place where I can recall a book with physical pages is Rey’s Survival Guide, not in the films, but canon nonetheless.

This is an actual book you can buy on Amazon, but it also represents a book that Rey wrote in-universe. It is her diary of sorts. Although it started off as a guide to how to get around Jakku, she kept writing to it even after she left the planet and met Han and Chewie. This book could hold other secrets not discussed here, like the mystery of “the sitter”, as highlighted by Max at StarWarsPost.
And this brings me to my theory. We know that Rey has continued to write to this diary after TFA. I propose that she continued to take notes on her training with Luke and her own personal explorations with the Force that followed in the years preceding Episode IX. The theory suggests that the book has grown into much more than a survival guide, and has become her own book on the Force. She has alreary written about her Force-dreams in there. The book is even mentioned in the junior novelization of The Last Jedi, so it isn’t forgotten.
My theory is that at the end of Episode IX, Rey will place her book–the book that grew from her Jakku survival guide to her notes on the Force–onto a shelf that contains the other Jedi texts, making her book the ninth chapter of the Jedi texts symbolic of Episode IX. In this way, Rey would be adding her chapter to the Jedi texts as she concludes the last chapter of the Skywalker saga. The end.
Brought to you by @davestrrr. Stay tuned to SpoiledBlueMilk.com for the best of Star Wars!