Lucasfilm dropped the name and the first image from Jon Favreau’s live action The Mandalorian and just about everyone is excited. I have to say credit goes to MakingStarWars, if he wasn’t dropping the information all week I doubt we would have gotten an official news drop on a Thursday evening of all days… So let’s look at we expect will and won’t be happening in the new live action series.

Let’s breakdown this image directly from Favreau’s Instagram. Most people keyed in on the Fett’s at first and it’s easy to understand why, when most people think Mandalorian they think Fett. Now I doubt we will see Boba at all, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s name dropped with people wondering if he’s alive or not. It was left open-ended in the Aftermath series. However the Fett reference is more than just a call to the most known Mandalorian; it’s a hint as to what to expect from the main character. Solitary warrior that plays by his or her own set of rules, I don’t think they will be a bounty hunter though. I thinking more Shane, Kung Fu, or even Samurai Jack inspired regular stories with a season long arc being played out along the way.
So who will we see? Expect renegade Imperials to be the main villains of the various stories that bring in trouble to the normal everyday citizens of the Galaxy. Don’t expect to see any of the big three though a droid like R2 might show up. Comic or legends characters are also fair game to make a cameo. I don’t expect to see many other Mandalorians either. Boba and Jango’s Mando status is technically undecided though under George Lucas they actually weren’t. I suspect The Mandalorian may fall into that same grey space. This means that it’s unlikely to have tons of Mandos running around using jet packs etc. Of course there won’t be any Jedi or other Force-users either, this will be a Force-free show, considering it is confirmed to take place after Return of the Jedi. There’s just no Jedi or Sith left other than Luke. Unless they would use another actor or CGI, it doesn’t seem likely to see Luke, but who knows. You should expect plenty of gun fights and hand to hand combat. A few dog fights wouldn’t be unexpected either…
Now why do we think this? Well this tweet from Jordan Maison gets to the point.
Boy…the #StarWars 1313 vibes are STRONG. #TheMandalorian
— Jordan Maison (@JordanMaison) October 4, 2018
It’s been said that 1313 had a lot of great ideas that would likely be reused and I suspect that this show is one example of that. The 1313 game is part of a batch of content that was developed by Lucas related to the underworld of the Star Wars galaxy. Along with the Underworld live action TV show, this was a different direction for Star Wars and The Madalorian could be in the same spirit. An example of Lucasfilm wanting to use some of the old Underworld material comes from this quote from Kathleen Kennedy:
“So our attitude is, we don’t want to throw any of that stuff away. It’s gold. And it’s something we’re spending a lot of time looking at, pouring through, discussing, and we may very well develop those things further. We definitely want to.” –Kathy Kennedy, Dec. 2015
We might see how the crime syndicates evolved after the fall of the Empire. We might also get a glimpse of the rising First Order.
Another important detail that we now know is the list of directors, which includes Dave Filoni directing the first episode. For a complete list of directors, head over to the official site. It’s a great list of names. Filoni is important for two reasons. First, he will also be an executive producer of the show. Second, he is not shy about connecting his work deeply into Star Wars lore. And speaking of digging deep, a lot of people have pointed out that his rifle looks like the one from Boba Fett in the Holiday Special.

Leave your comments and let us know where you think they will go with this one.
Brought to you by @mazlow01. Stay tuned to SpoiledBlueMilk for the best of Star Wars!