Hello out there, Star Wars fans! If you haven’t voted yet, now is the time. When you’re done with that, come back here and check out some Star Wars news. You’re back already? OK, let’s get to it!
Young Palpatine in Episode IX?
File this one under…who knows? On the heels of our recent article about Palpatine in which we discussed many aspects of the rumor, we get this new news nugget. According to The Weekly Planet Podcast, there might be a scene involving a young Palpatine in Episode IX staring Matt Smith, of Doctor Who fame, as Palpatine. While the likeness makes sense, and while a young Palps would be very acceptable in terms of the issues recently discussed, I’ll have to wait on this one. Frankly, if you ask me, I would think Smith would make a better “young Snoke” than Sheev. To be brutally honest, the track record of some of these podcasts at having actual details on casting rumors is slim to none. Not saying it’s false, I’m just saying I’m going to wait until someone else confirms.
New Mandalorian Set Photo!
This one comes from MakingStarWars. Head over there for the photo, but the image isn’t great and only provides scarce details. They compare to another known speeder. Clearly, the set piece hasn’t been painted yet, and is solid gray. Any news is exciting at this point, but this one might be a bit premature.
New Adam Driver Interview
This new interview comes from Vulture. Of course Adam is being a bit careful what he says. One point maybe worth mentioning is the answer to the question about Kylo Ren:
That’s hard to say because we’re working toward something in particular with that character. I don’t want to give anything away.
So this is vague for good reason, but still worth repeating. What could that “something” be? My first instinct is that they are working toward establishing him as a sympathetic character. I’m not necessarily a Reylo shipper, but my impression is that they would continue the hints of a relationship between the two. Alternatively, maybe he will transition to being a benevolent leader of the galaxy. Though personally I(mazlow01) hope they are bringing him to a fully realized Vader. Evil and in control of the Galaxy
New Ashley Eckstein Interview

This new interview offers some insight into the acting experiences of the voice of Ahsoka, but little beyond that. On the new season of Clone Wars, Ashley states:
We’re currently recording. That’s all I can say! [laughs] So it’s coming to the Disney streaming service. And that’s about it. But, you know, I can promise — obviously, Dave Filoni is a part of it and he’s done his best to bring back a lot of the key people that were a part of the show, pretty much all the cast members and then also some of the main crew members. The stories are incredible, the people are incredible and anything that Dave Filoni touches is going to be amazing.
All great news to hear. We’ve known/expected that the show will end up on the streaming service. It would be great if the service would just go live already!
Disney Turning a Profit on Star Wars
This one comes from CNBC. We don’t cover too much business stuff here, but this is worth mentioning. Disney has made their money back on Star Wars. That is, they have accumulated the 4 billion and change that it took to buy Lucasfilm. We can only expect that they will make much much more. Knowing this now certainly makes the rumors of KK’s departure even more silly in hindsight. The bigshots at Disney would certainly know how the numbers were panning out then. In addition to the new movies, which have mostly done pretty well, the article also cites toys as a big factor. Solo was weak in the box office, but still good by the standards of any other franchise.
Benioff and Weiss to Begin Writing their Star Wars Movie

This little note is a small one. However, it serves as a reminder that their are lots of Star Wars movies being developed now. In addition to Episode IX, there is a new upcoming Rian Johnson trilogy, and a new interview with Bennioff and Weiss tells us that their next gig will be to begin writing their trilogy. With Game of Thrones wrapping up, the two film makers have also received advice from Kathy Kennedy and Rian Johnson on how to “lock things down” at the end of a final season.
Brought to you by @davestrrr and @mazlow01. Stay tuned to spoiledbluemilk for the best of Star Wars!