Opinion: Leia in IX

In the immediate aftermath of the tragic passing of Carrie Fisher, the last thing we wanted to think about was what happens to Star Wars. Though that is what brought her into most of our lives, it was inconsequential to the loss a daughter, mother, friend, and to the many she helped by championing mental health advocacy. With Episode IX now having finished its first draft and time to come to terms with the loss we are going to look into how we think Lucasfilm and Colin Trevorrow will handle the loss of Carrie and what happens to the character of Leia.

more “Opinion: Leia in IX”

Its not Jar-Jar’s fault.

There are many things that get blamed on Jar-Jar Binks. The dislike of the prequels from fans that saw all of them 4 or more times in the theater. The formation of Empire because of his call for emergency powers. If not that, then the entire saga as he is the true Dark lord of the Sith behind it all… None of it his fault.

more “Its not Jar-Jar’s fault.”

Celebration Surprise

Last week on The Star Wars Show Andi and Anthony stressed that we would not want to miss the 40th anniversary panel. This has led to rampart speculation on what will be shown or discussed, from confirmation of Anakin in The Last Jedi to a slate released until 2030. I feel there’s only three options, a Last Jedi trailer, George Lucas showing up, or Obi-wan. Let’s talk about it.

more “Celebration Surprise”

The End of Maul?

Tomorrow we get the showdown this season has been teasing all year… Obi-wan vs Maul II: The Duel in the Dune Sea. The question is what happens. Will Obi-wan kill Maul (again), will Ezra deal the final blow, or will Maul walk/run away? Also will we see Luke? Let’s speculate.

more “The End of Maul?”

Finn: Intergalactic Man of Mystery.

Finn, no last name, First Order defector, Resistance fighter,  Lightsaber wielder, terrible pilot and all around good guy. When we last saw him he was unconscious after a lightsaber strike to the back and we had no knowledge of how he would be when he woke. Well we’ve gotten some clues and today we’re going to spend a little time on my favorite new Star Wars character and speculate based on what we have learned. Potential spoilers Ahead!

more “Finn: Intergalactic Man of Mystery.”

Changing our view of the Rebellion

There has been a view of the rebellion for close to 40 years now that they were fighting for freedom but doing so in a way that made them better than the Empire they rebelled against. In movies you never got the idea that they would resort to the tactics of the Empire: fear, pain, and suffering. But for the first time this has changed and it started when we were introduced to Cassian.

more “Changing our view of the Rebellion”

In Memoriam: Carrie Fisher, May the Force be with her.

There is so much that I am feeling right now I honestly don’t know how to process it.

In real life, Carrie Fisher wasn’t a princess, and she wasn’t a General. Nevertheless, she ruled the hearts of many and she fought the good fight on and off screen. Let us honor her memory by fighting that fight. Stand up for one another, confront your demons and share your troubles. Be as strong as Carrie was.

In her book, Wishful Drinking, Fisher wrote: “I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.”  Fisher lived a life of good spirits and humor, and touched so many be her work as a screenwriter, actress, and author.

She died today on December 27th at 8:55am PST following a cardiac arrest on December 23rd. Carrie was survived by her mother Debbie Reynolds and daughter Billie Lourd.

The Force will be with you, Always.

Rogue One:This is not the review you are looking for

Last night was the US release of Rogue One and based on the reaction on twitter and fansites its the greatest Star Wars movie since Empire and everyone’s 2nd or third favorite. Many people talking about how its the Star Wars they always wanted. I couldn’t disagree more, Rogue One was ok but its not great for several reasons. The first part of my review is spoiler free but pay attention to the spoiler warning because after that I get real spoilerly.

more “Rogue One:This is not the review you are looking for”

Rogue One: Deadpool

Morbid isn’t it? For months we have seen different statements across the internet relating to characters that live and die and how Disney wouldn’t allow X to die/happen. I believe its either wishful thinking or the Disney bias that people for some reason have so lets have some fun with it. This is our official pool of who dies and lives. We all know that they steal the plans for the Death Star, the unknown is how many of the characters will make it. Some of this is speculation some is known, so beware spoilers ahead.  more “Rogue One: Deadpool”

Rogue One: We know nothing!

OK  so maybe that title a bit of hyperbole but still we don’t really know much about Rogue One compared to what we knew about The Force Awakens. Heck I’d say we know almost as much about Episode VIII as we know about Rogue One and Rogue One will be out in less than a month! Today we’re going to talk about what we know and explore why we don’t know more.

more “Rogue One: We know nothing!”

Rogue One: Final Trailer

So there is a new Rogue One Trailer, have you seen it? Of course you have! If you visit Spoiled Blue Milk, you are a spoiler hound with your nose to the ground. We’re going to breakdown what we saw all saw in to and make a few educated speculative guesses that will help everyone understand what we should expect from this movie. Earmuffs kids, potential spoilers ahead.

more “Rogue One: Final Trailer”

Episode VIII: What do we know?

Episode VIII finished principle shooting in July and has moved into post production and editing. This is the time frame that led to many of the leaks from TFA and we are expecting more. However we have gotten a few already, seems like more than we have on Rogue One, and today we’re going to explore those. Potential Spoilers ahead.

more “Episode VIII: What do we know?”

Rebels: A Show that Matters.

For most people there are two Star Wars: the big trilogy movies and everything else. In the old Lucasfilm, that was pretty much true; anything in the EU could and would be ignored by Lucas himself. Nothing they did mattered to Universe in which the Trilogy films were created. Under the new Lucasfilm this has changed and that means Rebels is much more important than just a kids cartoon. Let’s look at what that can tell us about what we can expect from Rebels this year.

more “Rebels: A Show that Matters.”

The Jedi from the PT to ST

Ten days ago Pablo Hidalgo from the Lucasfilm story group unleashed a series of tweets about the nature of the force. Its been going over in my mind ever since. To me it reveals so much about the Prequels, Orginal trilogy and the Sequels  and what role the Jedi played. I’m going to get into it here.

more “The Jedi from the PT to ST”

The theme in Star Wars post Lucas

There seems to be an underlying trend in all the new Star Wars, no matter the media, and that is exploring the ancient history and culture of the Galaxy. This is not shoved down our throats as the main arc in any story but it also isn’t exactly subtle. Today we’re going to explore examples of this and what it means for future stories.

more “The theme in Star Wars post Lucas”

Who is Galen Erso?

When Mads Mikkelsen was cast in Rogue One most people got pretty excited. We figured him for a prominent role most likely a villain. We have learned that this isn’t true, he is not a villain and it is unlikely that his role is very large. It will still be very important though. Lets look into who he is and what we expect in this year’s Rogue One.

more “Who is Galen Erso?”

A Rogue Plot

Despite Rogue One being shrouded in mystery most people have had the basic plot down from the beginning. Rebels lead by Jyn Erso steal the plans to the death star. But what if that isn’t exactly how it goes down? more “A Rogue Plot”

The Story of Kylo Ren

After writing about Snoke last week I got to thinking about the other new characters (Kylo, Rey, Finn and Poe) and where exactly they come from; Parentage, history, and what that means for the future. We’re  going to highlight of one character each Wednesday for the next few weeks putting together what we know and what we suspect. As always possible spoilers ahead.

more “The Story of Kylo Ren”

Snoke Week: Part One!

Snoke, Leader of the First Order, seducer of Ben Solo to the Darkside, and… well that’s about all we really know isn’t it? I mean we know he’s not human but humanoid, he saw the Rise and Fall of the Empire and he has force abilities. There have been a TON of theories about who Snoke is from Anakin to Palpatine to Plaguies and for the most part they are terrible. However there is one that might not be and it follows along with my thinking as of late. Lets dig in and warning possible spoilers ahead.

more “Snoke Week: Part One!”