Rogue One: Final Trailer

So there is a new Rogue One Trailer, have you seen it? Of course you have! If you visit Spoiled Blue Milk, you are a spoiler hound with your nose to the ground. We’re going to breakdown what we saw all saw in to and make a few educated speculative guesses that will help everyone understand what we should expect from this movie. Earmuffs kids, potential spoilers ahead.

more “Rogue One: Final Trailer”

The best new shots from the Rogue One trailer

Greetings Star Wars fans! Loud rumbles made their way throughout Star Wars fandom this weekend, as the Rogue One trailer was an exclusive for only Celebration Europe attendees. Fans that couldn’t make the convention will have to wait for an official release of the trailer. We’re here today to bring you the shots from the trailer that you may not have seen already. Spoilers for the trailer below (not really spoilers for the movie as it’s all part of the trailer)

more “The best new shots from the Rogue One trailer”

Weekly Star Wars Recap #47: July 11th 2016

Greetings, Star Wars fans! It’s been a bit of a quiet week for sure in Star Wars world. We feel like we are kind of scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one, but we’ve managed to put together a few bits of news to hold you till next week when the floodgates of Star Wars Celebration open. We may even do an article on Friday when something big hits. Let’s get to the news:

more “Weekly Star Wars Recap #47: July 11th 2016”

Weekly Star Wars Recap #40: May 22nd 2016

Hello there, Star Wars fans! It’s time for another round of the Weekly Star Wars Recap. Hard to believe, but this is our 40th week doing this, so we’re approaching one year pretty quickly. It’s actually been a pretty intense week for leaks and rumors on the latest Star Wars feature film projects. As usual, spoilers ahead, so stop reading if you want to avoid them! So, without further adieu, let’s get to it!

more “Weekly Star Wars Recap #40: May 22nd 2016”

Weekly Recap #39: May 16th 2016

Happy Monday, fellow Star Wars fans! Things are really starting to feel like Summer. We just had George Lucas’ 72nd birthday on May 1, and we’re rapidly approaching the the 39th anniversary of Star Wars on this coming May 25th. So what happened this past week? We’ve got some really hot of the press updates about filming for Episode VIII. Therefore, as usual, be warned of possible SPOILERS below. Let’s get into it:

more “Weekly Recap #39: May 16th 2016”

Weekly Recap #32: March 28th 2016

Greetings, Star Wars fans! I hope you’ve had a nice Easter and/or spring break if you had one, and maybe got a nice change in the weather. Flowers are blooming. Love is in the air. We’ve got a spring in our step for Star Wars news! Don’t forget, as usual there are spoilers here! Here is what’s happening: more “Weekly Recap #32: March 28th 2016”

Visit Dubrovnik! It’s great this time of year (Dubrovnik Recap)

You’d better hurry to Dubrovnik if you want to get your last glimpse of Star Wars this year. Filming has ended a week ago, so pretty much everything has been cleaned up. That said, you might still get to see something Star Wars related. Not ready to book the tickets? Well, how about sitting back and enjoying this recap of the best and coolest news from Dubrovnik. more “Visit Dubrovnik! It’s great this time of year (Dubrovnik Recap)”

Weekly Recap #29 March 7th 2016

Greeting Star Wars fans! About this time last year, we were pretty deep into rumors and info about The Force Awakens. Way deeper than we are now for Rogue One, which suggests they are keeping this film a little tighter. Other than a few shots of set set construction, the news about Rogue One is pretty slim. That said, we have a few new pieces of info about Rogue One and Episode VIII (still two years away), so let’s begin.

more “Weekly Recap #29 March 7th 2016”