Weekly Star Wars Recap #150: July 10th, 2018

Hello, ladies and gentlemen of the Star Wars persuasion. We’re back again to review the latest Star Wars news. It’s a big week for casting rumors, and we’ve got a few other rumors to discuss. Let’s get to it!

Episode IX Casting: Keri Russell Joins the Cast

Let’s start with some huge news. Variety has revealed that Keri Russell, who is known for her work on Mission Impossible III and TV’s Felicity, is now part of the cast of IX. Rumors suggest that her role will involve “stunts and physicality” but nothing is known regarding whether the role will be for the Rebels or the First Order. Of course, there is a lot of speculation that Russell could play Rey’s mother. While the ages don’t match up for that, it could be part of a flashback or makeup could be used. At this point, anything could happen and she could be a bounty hunter or a First Order officer. If history is a guide, these kinds of casting rumors are often overblown, and the actor ends up in a blink-and-you-miss-it scene. A big clue will be how things in the early promotion of the film play out, such as if Russell is with the main cast during press releases etc. We’ll keep you posted on her role!

The Hollywood Reporter Confirms Lando in Episode IX Rumors

If you follow our site, you’ll know that we reported last week on this one (and weeks before that), and it seems to be gaining some more traction, as THR has revealed that their sources confirm that Billy Dee Williams will be coming back for IX. This rumor is both believable and perhaps overdue in the sense that we would have loved to hear this one for VII or VIII. The real question is will Lucasfilm take the opportunity to build connective tissue to the A Star Wars Story films, such as Solo or a future Lando film. This idea has been called “seeding and threading” by the story group, and it is something that is done, but it is actually very difficult to spot before the connections are made. It’s easy to spot in hindsight. Off the dome–a fun example of this could be something like the “Calrissian Chronicles” being a holobook that Lando is famous for during IX. That, or some nod to Lando knowing that part of L3 is in the Falcon’s computer.


Hints at Source Material for Boba Fett Film?

This one is a bit out of the blue, but might be something worth looking into. In a recent interview with Legends author Daniel Keys Moran, he provides the following information:

I’ve had a guy at Disney email me a couple times over the years regarding Lucasfilm adapting “Last One Standing” into a Fett movie. 

I’m not sure what to take from this, or whether there is any validity there, and I don’t know this website very well. Nevertheless, there it is. This makes some good sense, if true, because this book does have a lot of content regarding the early days of Fett’s life, as well as some backstory regarding his rivalry with Han Solo. Lucasfilm is no doubt dipping into Legends material for ideas and inspiration, so this would be a great source to draw from.

Christopher Sean

Christopher Sean will play Kazuda Xiona in Star Wars Resistance

While we’ve known that Sean will be in the cartoon since April, we know have confirmation that he will play the lead role of Kazuda Xiona. This one comes from the Star Wars Insider (via reddit). Still very early in the production of the show, and details are scarce. We know that Xiona will be a pilot in the early stages of the Resistance, and that Poe Dameron will be having some cameos in the show, voiced by Oscar Isaac. It sounds like a very military-focused show, but hey that isn’t surprising…it is Star Wars after all. We’re excited to hear more about this show.

Brought to you by @davestrrr and @mazlow01. Stay tuned to SpoiledBlueMilk for the best of Star Wars!