Lots of fans were shocked by the quote from Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi teaser trailer. In fact there is a strong possibility that Mark Hamill himself had this impression. Let’s take a moment to try and understand what it could mean.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #86: April 17th 2017
It’s the Star Wars Celebration edition of the weekly recap. So a Celebration recap! Let get into it!
The Last Jedi Teaser Trailer
Holy intense feelings Batman! Ok we got the trailer we were waiting for and boy did it deliver. We’re going to break it down and give you our thoughts on what each scene is and means!
Celebration Surprise
Last week on The Star Wars Show Andi and Anthony stressed that we would not want to miss the 40th anniversary panel. This has led to rampart speculation on what will be shown or discussed, from confirmation of Anakin in The Last Jedi to a slate released until 2030. I feel there’s only three options, a Last Jedi trailer, George Lucas showing up, or Obi-wan. Let’s talk about it.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #85: April 10th 2017
Star Wars Celebration Orlando is this week! And with that rush of official news on the horizon the unofficial leaks have been pouring out. Lets jump into and remember spoilers ahead.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #84: April 3rd 2017
Wow its looking more and more like the flood gates are starting to open when it comes to The Last Jedi News. I can’t imagine how good its going to get after Celebration! Anyway spoilers ahead yada yada yada!
The key to the vanishing Jedi trick
One of the oldest mysteries in Star Wars is the trick of the vanishing Jedi. Anyone who’s seen A New Hope knows that Obi Wan Kenobi mysteriously vanishes to become more powerful than Vader could possibly imagine. We’ve discussed this a bit before, but the Rebels Season 3 finale just may shed new light on how certain Force-users can do it.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #83: March 27th, 2017
Another week another Recap this time with 15% more newsy goodness. Let’s get to it.
Captain Solo: The latest revelations about the Han Solo film
Hello, Star Wars fans out there in the interwebs. We just got a slew of new reports regarding the Han Solo film. We’d like to take a moment and digest it. Here goes.
more “Captain Solo: The latest revelations about the Han Solo film”
Weekly Star Wars Recap #82: March 20th, 2017
Another week and another batch of news! A few pieces of news this week, but we do get some insight to the early Rogue One script and a brief scene description from the upcoming The Last Jedi Trailer. It’s looking more and more likely that the trailer will drop at Celebration. As always Spoilers ahead.
The End of Maul?
Tomorrow we get the showdown this season has been teasing all year… Obi-wan vs Maul II: The Duel in the Dune Sea. The question is what happens. Will Obi-wan kill Maul (again), will Ezra deal the final blow, or will Maul walk/run away? Also will we see Luke? Let’s speculate.
Han Solo’s back-backstory
We were originally told that the “spin-off” films are to be origin stories, but later learned Han Solo will not be. At least, Han Solo will probably establish the character that we see at the beginning of A New Hope. So the movie itself is a backstory. However, we still might expect that a backstory will be presented in the movie that describes how Han got to the place he is in the Han Solo movie. You might call this Han’s “back-backstory”. I’m going to take a moment and contemplate how and what might be be presented in the upcoming film.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #81: March 13th, 2017
These days, it can be tough to keep up with the latest Star Wars news. Right now, there is Rogue One coming out on Blu-ray, The Last Jedi due for reshoots this month, and Han Solo has begun filming. Let’s take a moment and catch ourselves up to the latest news in Star Wars. Spoilers ahead, so tread with caution.
more “Weekly Star Wars Recap #81: March 13th, 2017”
Weekly Star Wars Recap #80: March 6th, 2017
That’s right, Star Wars aficionados. We’re back to give you the latest and greatest Star Wars news and to give our own 2 cents. This week is no different, so let’s get to it.
From the First Jedi Temple to the Last Jedi
Put down your Nintendo Switch for just a moment. I want to take a moment to consider how often we are reminded of the first and the last of the Jedi Order. What implications does this “first and last” mean? Let’s take a moment and be warned of potential spoilers.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #79: February 27th 2017
Another week down another week closer to the release of The Last Jedi. No time to waste lets jump into the news of the past week that you should know! Remember spoiler ahead!
What’s up with Rogue One Blu-ray?
This week we got the official report of when the Rogue One Blu-ray would be released(April 4th) and what we should expect to see on it. You can see the whole list here. There were two glaring and frankly upsetting omissions, no Director commentary and no deleted scenes. What’s the deal?
Weekly Star Wars Recap #78: February 20th 2017
Another week another recap but this week is different! We got a ton of new on The Last Jedi from images to spy reports. Needless to say there is quite a bit of potential spoilers in the recap so run away now if you don’t want to be spoiled.
The mysterious connections between Rey and Kylo Ren
Weekly Star Wars Recap #77: February 13th 2017
Hello everyone out there in Star Wars land. We’re back for another edition of the Weekly Star Wars recap. Let’s get straight into the news.
Finn: Intergalactic Man of Mystery.
Finn, no last name, First Order defector, Resistance fighter, Lightsaber wielder, terrible pilot and all around good guy. When we last saw him he was unconscious after a lightsaber strike to the back and we had no knowledge of how he would be when he woke. Well we’ve gotten some clues and today we’re going to spend a little time on my favorite new Star Wars character and speculate based on what we have learned. Potential spoilers Ahead!
Weekly Star Wars Recap #76: February 6th, 2017
Hello, out there in Star Wars fandom. We’re back for another weekly recap. It’s been a week since you’ve heard from us, and we hope that this week is better. Expect an article at some point, probably Friday. Now let’s get to the news.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #75, January 30th 2017
After the Title release last week, predictably there is less to report this week. Regardless here is what we have. Spoilers ahead.
Everything you want to know about the title for Episode VIII
The title for Episode VIII has been revealed. Star Wars: The Last Jedi opens in theaters this December, but what exactly does the name mean?
more “Everything you want to know about the title for Episode VIII”
Weekly Star Wars Recap #74, January 23rd 2017
Right before we started this recap we got a big peice of news concerning Episode VIII. Jump on in and lets take a look. Spoilers ahead!
Changing our view of the Rebellion
There has been a view of the rebellion for close to 40 years now that they were fighting for freedom but doing so in a way that made them better than the Empire they rebelled against. In movies you never got the idea that they would resort to the tactics of the Empire: fear, pain, and suffering. But for the first time this has changed and it started when we were introduced to Cassian.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #73: January 16th 2017
Hello everyone out there in Star Wars land. Where back again to take a look at the latest Star Wars news throughout the web. It’s a great time to be a Star Wars fan! Let’s see why:
Snoke, Mortis, and the Convorees
Yeah, that’s right. I’m about to drop a mega-theory right now. Beware of potential spoilers for Episode VIII and the sequel trilogy. If what I’m proposing is true, it could be pretty major.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #72, January 9th, 2017
Star Wars is back, everybody. We’re also back for our second recap of 2017. Let’s get to it.
The Darksaber and the future of the Mandolorians
Hello and Happy new year, Star Wars fans! We’re back to contemplate the new Star Wars Rebels Season 3 mid-season trailer. There is a lot to chew on there, but let’s first take a look at the significance of the “darksaber”, and where it’s going.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #71: January 2nd 2016
I know what you are thinking don’t you usually do these on Monday? Well it was a Federal holiday and the Spoiledbluemilk offices were closed so we couldn’t. Anyway it is still our duty to provide with a recap of all the news that the Star Wars universe has produced this week. As always spoilers ahead!
The future of Star Wars television
Happy New Year, Star Wars fans! We are halfway through the third season of Rebels, and according to the rumor a year ago rebels will be ending soon. That said, there are rumblings that a new show is already in the works. Lets look at what are the most likely timeframes for this cartoon to fill out Star Wars lore.
In Memoriam: Carrie Fisher, May the Force be with her.
There is so much that I am feeling right now I honestly don’t know how to process it.
In real life, Carrie Fisher wasn’t a princess, and she wasn’t a General. Nevertheless, she ruled the hearts of many and she fought the good fight on and off screen. Let us honor her memory by fighting that fight. Stand up for one another, confront your demons and share your troubles. Be as strong as Carrie was.
In her book, Wishful Drinking, Fisher wrote: “I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.” Fisher lived a life of good spirits and humor, and touched so many be her work as a screenwriter, actress, and author.
She died today on December 27th at 8:55am PST following a cardiac arrest on December 23rd. Carrie was survived by her mother Debbie Reynolds and daughter Billie Lourd.
The Force will be with you, Always.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #70: December 26th 2016
Say Hello to Luke Skywalker’s little friend
Hello out there in the Star Wars universe. With Rogue One behind us, we’re still processing all the connections to the OT, PT, and beyond. For today, we’d like to take a look at some recent rumors regarding Episode VIII, and some creatures that may play a role in the film.
Rogue One Review: the best Star Wars spin-off film ever?
I just saw Rogue One for my second time Friday night. It took me a little while to put everything down, but here’s my review. This review does contain spoilers, so consider yourself warned. OK, so the title of this article is a bit tongue-in-cheek because it’s the only Star Wars spin-off film, but it’s still pretty darn good. Now for the review.
more “Rogue One Review: the best Star Wars spin-off film ever?”
Rogue One:This is not the review you are looking for
Last night was the US release of Rogue One and based on the reaction on twitter and fansites its the greatest Star Wars movie since Empire and everyone’s 2nd or third favorite. Many people talking about how its the Star Wars they always wanted. I couldn’t disagree more, Rogue One was ok but its not great for several reasons. The first part of my review is spoiler free but pay attention to the spoiler warning because after that I get real spoilerly.
Review of Star Wars Rebels: Visions and Voices
We don’t do too many reviews out here in Spoiled Blue Milk land, but we occaisonally come out of the woodworks to review a season finale or a movie. Saturday night’s episode of Star Wars Rebels was probably my favorite so far, and I think it might have implications for the saga as a whole, so I thought I would do a review.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #69: December 12th, 2016
ROGUE ONE!!! It releases this week and we will have our spoiler filled reviews posted on Friday. Until then lets look over the news that came out this week and it’s pretty much all Rogue One.
More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine…
There are a lot of new mysteries that have come as part of the new canon. For a review of some of the more interesting mysteries, check out this recent article from StarWarsPost. However, from the original Saga, perhaps the most intriguing is what Obi Wan Kenobi meant when he said to Vader “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine”. Let’s take a look at what this could mean, and how it will play into the sequel trilogy.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #68: December 5th, 2016
Hello everyone! We’re back to bring you another recap, and this time the floodgates are beginning to open up. We are in the home stretch, folks, with Rogue One less than two weeks way. The leaks may come so fast over the next couple of weeks that it will be hard to keep up. Let’s get into it, and as usual, beware if you don’t want anything to be spoiled.
Rogue One: Deadpool
Morbid isn’t it? For months we have seen different statements across the internet relating to characters that live and die and how Disney wouldn’t allow X to die/happen. I believe its either wishful thinking or the Disney bias that people for some reason have so lets have some fun with it. This is our official pool of who dies and lives. We all know that they steal the plans for the Death Star, the unknown is how many of the characters will make it. Some of this is speculation some is known, so beware spoilers ahead. more “Rogue One: Deadpool”
Weekly Star Wars Recap #67: November 28th 2016
What day is it? Recap day! We have few bits of information focused on Rogue One and of course Episode VIII. Let’s dive on into the news and remember potential spoilers ahead. P.S. 17 days until Rogue One!
The Casino in Episode VIII
Among the scenes we know about in Star Wars: Episode VIII, the Casino scene is one of the most intriguing. Let’s run through what we know and see what is in store for us. Potential Spoilers below!
Weekly Star Wars Recap #66: November 21st 2016
Its that time of the week again; The weekly recap! We have some new info on Episode VIII, Rogue One and the Han Solo film. Lets dive in and remember as always with SBM(SpoiledBlueMilk), potential spoilers ahead.
Rogue One: We know nothing!
OK so maybe that title a bit of hyperbole but still we don’t really know much about Rogue One compared to what we knew about The Force Awakens. Heck I’d say we know almost as much about Episode VIII as we know about Rogue One and Rogue One will be out in less than a month! Today we’re going to talk about what we know and explore why we don’t know more.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #65: November 14th 2016
Hello! It’s time for another edition of the weekly Star Wars recap! It’s the time when we go over the news of the past week and keep you up to date. There’s just 31 days — just one month — left until Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and you might say the official material is really starting hit its stride.
The Force-user in Rogue One
We’ve been hearing for a long time that Rogue One will be unique in that it will contain no Jedi. It will focus strictly on military forces in the Star Wars galaxy. However, now that we are almost a month away, does this still hold up? Read on for more, and beware of spoilers.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #64: November 7th 2016
It’s Monday, Star Wars fans, so it’s time to catch you up on all the news we got last week relating to upcoming Star Wars movies and TV. Strap in and beware potential spoilers are ahead.
Luke Skywalker: Legend, Myth, and Master Jedi
Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, Brother to a Princess, savior of the Rebellion, Jedi Master and ultimately Myth. What is he now? Rumor coming from filming and leaks has painted two different pictures for who Luke has become and today we’re going break down what has been leaked and what we think it actually means.