Weekly Star Wars Recap #143: May 21st 2018

Hello, Star Wars fans! We’re back to bring you another weekly recap. Solo: A Star Wars Story premieres this Friday (or Thursday night if your quick!) and we pretty much know most of what happens. We’ll try to hold back on the spoilers today, but we have a spoilerific post planned for Wednesday. Keep an eye out for that one. Let’s get to the news!

Lando just might be “pansexual”

So maybe this isn’t huge news, but the co-writer of Solo has said that Lando was “pansexual”. This was later corroborated by Donald Glover himself. He says it is part of the 70s free-spirit style of Lando, and in space anything goes. Droids, Twi’lek, … who knows? Interestingly, there was a rumor a while back that we reported on claiming Lando was “LGBTQ+”. This kind of makes me want to revisit that old batch of rumors, which were original posted to the Jedi Council boards at theforce.net. However, that rumor was posted on April 1st and was taken down from the boards. For that reason, I don’t put too much stock in the other rumors. Lando being “pansexual” seems legit, but not sure to what extent this shows up in the film.

Topps cards reveal characters!

Topps cards have come through with new details. There was this photo of some mining droids in a control room that look very very Star Wars. There is another photo that finally revealed how Quay Tolsite looks in live-action. Very different from The Clone Wars:

Quay Tolsite from Topps

A future for Thrawn?

Thrawn is a much-loved character from the post-ROTJ expanded universe. He has made a comeback in Rebels as a pre-ANH character. A recent tweet has provided confirmation that there are two more Thrawn books in Timothy Zahn’s deal. However, these are put on hold until after Episode IX.

Not clear how exactly they will use this, or when it will take place. No doubt that the end of Rebels sent Thrawn and Ezra to the Unknown Regions, where he could meet…who knows? Maybe he meets Snoke and is the person to bring Snoke to the core worlds along with the First Order. I personally think there is a huge opportunity to provide some cool connections between Star Wars animation and the sequel trilogy, but the kinds of connections that I think are cool are rarely actually pursued. What do you think it means? Leave something in the comments for us!

Kenobi film has plot and director

This one comes from TMZ. Those guys know how to dig up details, that’s for sure. And they have a good track record on Star Wars details. As we reported last week, the Kenobi spin-off film is a go. Pretty much no other details, and no official confirmation. This new post confirms previous rumors that we reported on a while back, that also claimed that Stephen Daldry was the director. If that’s true, it means they’ve been planning this one for at least a half a year. Time will tell. However it appears this was likely a scam as the description was like a book now listed as Legends.


Brought to you by @davestrrr and @mazlow01. Stay tuned to SpoiledBlueMilk for the best of Star Wars!