Greetings out there in Star Wars land. We’re back to transcribe the week’s events, get them all down on paper for today and for posterity. It’s been another week, and we’re here to bring you another batch of Star Wars news. Let’s get to it.
How Star Wars animation prepared us for The Last Jedi
I loved The Last Jedi. I’ve listened to the criticisms, and I just don’t agree with most of them, or at least I don’t think they are reason enough for response of a lot of fans. Some of the complaints in particular that I don’t agree with are about the new Force-powers. It turns out that they’re not new, and we’ve seen them before in Star Wars: Rebels and The Clone Wars. Spoilers for The Last Jedi below.
more “How Star Wars animation prepared us for The Last Jedi”
Kylo and Vader: The unredeemable
Since it was revealed that Kylo Ren was in fact Ben Solo there has been speculation that he is this trilogy’s Vader and he will be redeemed. There are many that have said because Kylo killed Han he can’t be redeemed. I think they are right but I also don’t think that Vader was ever redeemed. Confused? Lets take a dive into Vader Kylo and what redemption really is.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #125: January 22nd, 2018
Another week down and another recap for the faithful Star Wars fans at Spoiled Blue Milk. We’ve had plenty of false rumors about a Solo trailer along with actual news, so lets dig in and as always spoilers ahead.
In Praise of del Toro’s DJ
Greetings, Star Wars fans. We’re still reeling from The Last Jedi. I’ve seen it 5 times and it just might have become my favorite Star Wars film. No joke. Let’s take a look at one of my favorite characters: DJ.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #124: January 17th, 2018
Welcome back, Star Wars fans! We’re here for another edition of the weekly recap. We took the day off Monday for MLK day, yesterday was a busy day, and now we’re back to bring you the news. Let’s get to it.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #123: January 8th 2018
Welcome, Star Wars fans! We’re back to bring you another edition of the weekly recap. Lots of Solo news this week, so let’s get to it!
Snoke’s Access to Ancient Celestial Knowledge
The Last Jedi presented some very unexpected story beats that have left fans scratching their heads at the significance of Snoke. At the same time, the content related to the film has revealed some new clues on where Snoke comes from. Let’s take a what it all means–spoilers and speculation below!
Weekly Star Wars Recap #122: January 2nd 2017
Happy New Year, Star Wars fans! We’re back to bring you another edition of the weekly Star Wars recap. There are 142 days until Solo: A Star Wars Story. Let’s get to the news.
The Footsteps of The Last Jedi
After seeing the film more than once, many people started picking up on clues sprinkled throughout The Last Jedi. That is, the significance of this one didn’t become apparent to me until at least the second viewing and after a few discussions. Let’s take a look at this scene here today, spoilers and speculation below.
Weekly Recap #121: December 28th, 2017
Seasons Greetings, Star Wars fans! This recap is here, but a little late due to the usual holiday madness. This is our last weekly recap of 2017. It’s been an exciting year for Star Wars fans, but maybe a little bit divisive. We’re still here to celebrate Star Wars and and all the theories, rumors and leaks. Let’s discuss the latest details.
A Journey to Another Realm in Episode IX
In a recent interview, Rian Johnson discusses his motivations for many of his choices in The Last Jedi. Some of what he says has implications for Episode IX. Spoilers below for The Last Jedi and potential spoilers for Episode IX. Let’s discuss.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #120: Dec 18th 2017
Hello, Star Wars fans! We’re back after the opening weekend of The Last Jedi to bring you the latest in Star Wars news. It’s been one heck of a weekend, but now our thoughts have turned to Episode IX and beyond. Let’s get to the news.
Review of The Last Jedi from Davestrrr
Hello everyone out there. I’ve seen the movie twice now, and I’m ready to share my thoughts. Spoilers for The Last Jedi below, so if you haven’t seen it, come back when you have!
5 Predictions for The Last Jedi
If you haven’t seen The Last Jedi yet, you’ll probably see it tomorrow or the next day. We haven’t seen it, but we’re here to provide our personal predictions with NO outside knowledge, other than the past few years of spoilers that we have reviewed. We’ve been spoiler-free since the premiere, and can’t wait to get our butts into the movie seats. That said, there may be some spoilers below from stuff we’ve discussed over the past few years.
Spoiler-free Weekly Star Wars Recap #119: December 11th, 2017
I don’t know if you guys heard but there was the world premiere for a little film called The Last Jedi. And since it goes worldwide this week we are going to be spoiler-free for the recap today. SpoiledBlueMilk isn’t spoiling things?… shocking I know.
more “Spoiler-free Weekly Star Wars Recap #119: December 11th, 2017”
The Dark Crystal and Snoke’s Limitless Resources
Snoke is a powerful dark side Force-user. He’s not a Sith, and he’s not a Jedi. How exactly does he get his power? Let’s explore a recent quote from Andy Serkis and explore a path of connections to the Jim Henson movie, The Dark Crystal. Spoilers and speculation below
The link connecting the dual protagonists of The Last Jedi
The Star Wars databank, and other material, explicitly state that there is a “mysterious connection” between Rey and Kylo Ren. Of all the questions I have going into The Last Jedi (in like 8 days!!!), it is the meaning of this connection that intrigues me most. Surprisingly, as it turns out, the connection between Rey and Kylo Ren just might have its origins in The Phantom Menace. That’s because of a lot of new key details have been revealed about the connection between Kylo Ren and Rey from recent interviews–and the subtext of some of the interviews have shed a lot of light what exactly this connection is. In this speculative article, I will review the new details about the mysterious connection between Rey and Kylo Ren, and go out on a limb regarding what it means.
more “The link connecting the dual protagonists of The Last Jedi”
Weekly Star Wars Recap #118: December 4th, 2017
Another week another recap and just 10 days until The Last Jedi is in theaters! Less that 2 weeks! So, lets look at what is new, and as always spoilers ahead.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #117: November 27th, 2017
Hello out there in Star Wars land! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving if you’re in the USA. If not in the USA, I hope you’ve had a great week in anticipation of The Last Jedi, which is a mere 17 days away! We’re back to bring you another bountiful bunch of Star Wars news, and let me tell you this stuff is coming in fast. Let’s get to it!
Snoke is Snoke, but is that the whole story?
Who exactly is Snoke? We’ve asked this question many times and provided the best insight we could. According to Anthony Breznican, arguably one of the most knowledgable journalists on Star Wars, Snoke is Snoke. The question is, can we glean anything about his backstory from the latest information on the character?
Weekly Star Wars Recap #116: November 20th, 2017
Hello out there in Star Wars land! There are just a mere 24 days until The Last Jedi. The news keeps coming in at a steady pace. Let’s get to it!
The TV Spots are dropping new info about The Last Jedi!
We’ve been given four new TV spots this week and they are giving me life! Lets break down each one and look at what is new and what we can learn. Spoilers ahead!
more “The TV Spots are dropping new info about The Last Jedi!”
Rose Tico’s hero’s journey
We know very little about the character Rose, who will be introduced into the Star Wars saga in The Last Jedi. The details we have are few and far between. Nevertheless, we may have figured out what is likely Rose’s arc. Let’s take a tour of what we do know and connect the dots. more “Rose Tico’s hero’s journey”
Weekly Star Wars Recap #115: November 13th, 2017
Another week and more Star Wars news has been dropped. We already broke down the biggest news but there was even more! Check yourself before you spoil yourself.
A New Trilogy
Unless you live under a rock or are on a social media blackout to avoid The Last Jedi spoilers you heard the news yesterday; Rian Johnson is going to be making a new Star Wars Trilogy with his collaborator Ram Bergman. WHAT? OK lets look at the VERY little information dropped yesterday and make some wild guesses on what that new trilogy will encompass.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #114: November 6th, 2017
Hello everyone out there. We’re back for yet another weekly Star Wars recap. In case you’re looking for Star Wars movie and TV news, you’ve found the right place. Now let’s get to the latest.
Two major revelations from John Boyega interview!
Hello to everyone out there in Star Wars land. We’re back to take a look at a recent interview with John Boyega, who stars as Finn in The Last Jedi. There are a couple of important spoilers in this one, so beware. Let’s get to it.
Darkness Rises
Holy cow did that little trailer just come out of nowhere. A 45 second TV spot and I’m even more hyped than I was for the trailer that came out just a few weeks ago. Let’s talk about why. Potential spoilers ahead.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #113: Oct 30, 2017
Another week and a bunch of mini-spoilers and things that look like spoilers but probably aren’t. There are now just a mere 45 days left until The Last Jedi, so things are coming fast and furious. Lets look into all of it and break it down! Potential spoilers ahead.
Join me, and together we will defeat Snoke!
In our article last week, we discussed one of the most intriguing scenes of the trailer–Kylo’s offer to Rey. This week, we’d like to expand on it a little more, and talk about possible connections to the rest of the saga.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #112: Oct 22, 2017
Hello out there in Star Wars fandom. We’re back for another weekly recap to bring you the best in Star Wars news. There are 52 days until The Last Jedi. Without further ado, let’s get to the news!
Trailer talk: About that last scene
You know the one. Rey speaking, the darkness surrounding her light shining on her face, Kylo in the dark with his stretched out. Internet sleuths quickly deduced that this was a misdirection and the two scenes were shot at different places and take place at different times in the film. They were right about the scenes are different shots but is it really misdirection? Lets explore these scenes, as always potential spoilers ahead.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #111: Oct 16, 2017
Hey kids it is that time of the week again, Recap time! Oh wait that should have been yesterday, but we spent yesterday waiting for the Season 4 premiere of Star Wars Rebels! Another day later, and more news for you! As always spoilers ahead!
Luke Rising from the Ashes
The Force-back in The Force Awakens showed us Luke looking heart broken next to R2 with a burning building in the background. That image gave us ideas of what may have happened, and most of the theories developed went with “Luke came home to find his Academy, and students killed by Kylo Ren and possibly the Knights of Ren.” But now we know that is not true. Let’s talk about what that means.
Kylo Ren’s Second Test
We just got our first look at the official trailer for The Last Jedi. The look is stunning, crisp, mature, and although it looks very unique, it manages to still look very Star Wars. As with most trailers, several scenes in the trailer might not be what they seem. Today, let’s take a look at what could be called “Kylo Ren’s second test”. Spoilers and speculation below.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #110: October 9th, 2017
Welcome, Star Wars aficionados. You’ve made your way to the Spoiled Blue Milk weekly recap–your place for the best and latest news on Star Wars movies, TV, and more. Let’s get to the news.
Luke Skywalker: A Lost Hope.
Ever since Mark Hamill said he fundamentally disagreed with Rian Johnson’s choices for Luke and the “The Jedi must end” line in the teaser, people have speculated that Luke will go dark. They are wrong. Today we’re going to explore why they are wrong and what Mark and the line really means.
Han Solo: Podracing done right?
Details regarding the speeder race for the (still!) untitled Han Solo film have accumulated. Let’s do a rundown of what we know, and what this scene needs to be a hit.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #109: Oct 2nd, 2017
We took most of last week to recharge but we are back and bringing the fire! Here is all the news that is fit to report, warning: spoilers ahead!
Weekly Star Wars Recap #108: Sept 25th, 2017
Hello, everyone out there is Star Wars world. We’re back for another week and another round of Star Wars news! Buckle up, Spoilers ahead!
The Finn-Rose-DJ triangle
We’ve got enough details about Finn, Rose, and DJ, that things are starting to solidify. Let’s take a look of what exchanges the three of them might have.
The Latest Han Solo rumor…
The untitled Han Solo has been through quite a bit of production woes. It also doesn’t seem to have intrigued many fans, this is my own personal perspective based on social media and article comments etc. The latest rumor has split the fan base as well. Lets look into it and talk about what it could mean.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #107, Sept 18th, 2017
Hello, and thanks for stopping by for another edition of the weekly Star Wars recap! As we patiently wait for the new The Last Jedi trailer, we have some new newsy tidbits to chew on. Let’s get to the news!
The emergence of kyber jewlery in Star Wars
Kyber crystals, the crystals that power Jedi’s lightsabers, might go back to some stories in the expanded universe under the name “Kaiburr crystal”, but made their first appearance in the Clone Wars. However, the prominence of these crystals might be growing even more in forthcoming Star Wars content. Spoilers and speculation below.
Getting to the Hux of the matter
If there is one character we don’t really know much about, besides Snoke of course, it’s General Armitage Hux. He seems to be fanatical and in charge of the military wing of the First Order… and that’s about it. No novels about him, no short stories, and no comics, and he is a strong secondary character. Lets look into what we do know and see if we can figure him out. Speculation and spoilers to follow.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #106: Sept 11, 2017
Another week another recap! And boy howdy we got some news for you! Let’s jump right into it and remember spoilers ahead!
Who should direct Episode IX?
Hello out there! After this week’s bombshell news of Colin Trevarrow exiting the role of director for Episode IX, lots of fans out there have been wondering who could take over the helm? Let’s take a moment and ponder who would be the best choice to take on the mantle going forward.
Facing the 5-ton Bantha in the Room
Lets not be coy, Lucasfilm and its directors are having a problem. It seems the only film so far of the five known films without script and/or director problems was The Last Jedi. That seems a little disconcerting to most fans but we’re going to say it should be encouraging. Let’s talk about why.
Weekly Star Wars Recap #105: Sept 5, 2017
Hello everyone, and welcome back to another edition of the Star Wars Weekly Recap. It’s been a pretty big week in Star Wars with Force Friday just a few days ago, and more and more information coming in about Star Wars Rebels, The Last Jedi and Han Solo. Let’s get to it.